I have been checking rescue shelters lately. I just found this puppy born Nov.4th and he can be adopted soon. He is adorable and I think he looks like a goldendoodle, but he could be a cockapoo. Hard to tell. What do you guys think?
That is a nice size!! The shelter tells me that the puppy will be larger than his mother; they predict under 20 lbs. Probably to small to keep up with the wrath of Thomas @85 lbs. Thks Jane
Just FYI Ned is 27 pounds and plays hard with my daughter's 75 pound lab. We have a 52 pound dog and a 64 pounder also. They don't wrestle with him but they do play.
His mother is at the shelter too, she is a twelve pound poodle. It says she was rescued from a bad situation and was found to be pregnant and the ad says she is a real sweatheart. The shelter does not know the breed of the father but she had this puppy and he is now being fostered until he is ready for adoption. His ears are dark and shorter than my goldendoodles were at that age, but he is definitely a poodle mix.