Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Late last night our standard goldendoodle was quietly playing with a toy while we were interacting and watching TV when he promptly stood up, took a few steps and peed on the carpet.  My husband corrected him mid-stream and took him outside to finish.  DH was devastated.  Gavin is 5.5 months old and has not had an accident for over two months.  He is even trained to ring bells to go out and does so often.  My husband is viewing this as a major set back.  There was no warning, nothing remarkable going on and Gavin was not overly excited.  Is it unusual to have these slip ups?  He is not neutered yet (will be in a month) and his testicles have descended.  I have never caught him marking – in fact he only ever does his business in our back yard – never on walks.  Is this an adolescent thing?  Did he simply just forget his manners?  What do people think?  Thanks in advance.


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Maybe a cue was missed by you guys or he had a sudden urge. We sure had plenty of slip ups at that age and beyond. Just when I'd think we were all done something would occur and he count would start again, like AA I guess.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Have him looked at for a UTI
I think I will if it happens again soon. Thanks
I wouldn't worry at all!! My human child had accidents too after he was officially declared potty trained. Your pup is still just a baby. Be patient and forgiving, and do not expect him to be perfect. Viewing one accident as a "major setback" is a bit harsh.
This was what I was hoping to hear Eva, I figured my husband was over-reacting ;)
;) just remind DH that he probably had accidents too, when he was little - and if he denies and claims he was perfect from the age of 2, you can always check with his mother ;) Your dog is just a normal puppy !!! Buy a big bottle of Natures Miracles like Sue suggests; I still use mine regularly and my dogs are 4 and 5 !!! Living with dogs (and kids) means being tolerant of various gross body fluids that will inevitably end up on your carpet... :O all you can hope for is that you don't step in it :D
I wouldn't take it too seriously. Holly had two of these slip ups around the same age, exact same situation where she was playing with a toy right in front of us and just stood up and went. We took her outside immediately and didn't make a big deal of it. We never did figure out why but we watched her much closer for a few weeks.
Gosh, I'd be a mess if I thought every accident was a major set back. My 13 month old just peed on the carpet about 2-3 weeks ago.Not once but twice!!! Once was early in the morning like 4-5 am. But never expected that to happen as he has held his bladder all night since he was 9 weeks old. Then a few days later, it was just the middle of the afternoon, he even stepped off the tile to go onto the first carpeted step and pee. No rhyme or reason. He really doesn't hold it longer than 4-5 hours so I certainly could've missed the signals. I just figured accidents happen, took him outside and praised him when he went out there. We have a big bottle of Natures Miracle at our house. HA
We really didn't have any accidents but I do think it is normal. Ned is a small doodle but he has a BIG dog bladder and always has so I think he is exceptional not average in this.
I think I posted this in another post, but get yourself a Spot Bot!

He's a puppy - it's going to happen. But do pay attention and see if he is going outside more regularly as UTIs can happen.

Rouser didn't revert back except when we pushed it and left him in the house without the baby gate at about 10 months old. He was really easy to potty train (took about 5 days) and hadn't had an accident so we thought we no longer needed the baby gate. We were gone a bit longer than expected, and he found his way to the room furthest away from his downstairs lair - but he found it - and relieved himself. And then he found it again the next day (it now had his "scent").

To solve the problem, I put some cooked chicken breast in all the corners and the middle of the room and told him to "seek." Then we did a 5 minute training session (with lots of treats) in the room a few times a day for the next few days. He's now 20 months old and he's never relieved himself in that room (or in the house for that matter) since. Just to be sure, though, we do training in each room in the house from time to time. As long as he thinks there might be food, he won't wany to sully the room.

We do, however, still get woken up sometimes when Rouser has eaten something he shouldn't and is unable to keep it down. Hence the Spot Bot.
We are fortunate in that Lexi has a run with a doggie door that she can access anytime day or night. She has never had an accident or chewed anything in the house that was not hers. Only problem is that she leaks when people come over, I call it excitement peeing. She is 18 months old now and I always thought they outgrow that.



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