Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is one of Talullah's favorite things to do to me. She walks up behind me and gives me a shove to the hind quarters with her nose! She rarely does this to my husband. One time she goosed my sister; I told her to take it as a compliment!

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Jackdoodle does usually try to give me a little nose poke back there if he happens to be nearby when I'm getting dressed.
It can be pretty startling when the nose is cold and you're fresh out of the shower!
Yup! Just out of the shower this morning & then he was chasing my bra while I was trying to put that on!!!!
Sometimes, I feel like we all have the same dog! Callie will frequently breaches the shower curtain and gives me a nose bump. I think she does it so I'll splash water on the floor, which she then licks. She was BAFFLED this weekend when we stayed with my sister...the shower has a glass door and that cute little doodle face was smooshed against the glass.
Absolutely! That is so funny! Wrigley only does this to me. My husband makes a short joke out of it and says that she's picking on me b/c she's almost as tall as I am.
I'm glad I am not the only one! I am definitely Tuli's person, so I'm never surprised when I am the sole target of her, uhhh, affection.
I get it in the crotch when throwing Gracie Doodle's ball. She comes running back to me and pokes me right there as if I was holding a catcher's mit!!! She then drops it so I can throw it again. She will do this over and over. But, she also does it to here Poppa!!!! Owch lol
YOU ARE TOTALLY ON THE SAME PAGE AS ME!! I thought about blogging about this today!!! One of the other conversations about using thier nose to provoke play made me laugh and think of this.
Here in Canada I not only can get an unexpected "goose" I can get a cold "Canadian goose" after he's been outside burying his nose in the snow banks!!!
I think it means stop cleaning lady its a waste of time lets go play!!!
Canadian Goose - I am rolling!
Lorraine, what do you wear while cleaning, that you can feel that cold Canadian goose? Are you one of those happy homemakers who clean house in the buff, lol???
Finn not only gooses me with his nose but occasionally he will give me a little nip on the backside, usually when I'm going down stairs. It's not hard enough to hurt and it cracks me up every time.
I'd be giggling at that one, too!



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