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Put your recipies for doggie treats here.

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Not sure if this link is in the DK Cookbook so I'll post.
An assortment of dog treat recipies. Some good ones!
Spud's Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies and Training Treats

4 Cups Oatmeal
1 Cup Banana, Mashed
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
3/4 Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce
1/2 Cup of Cranberries, diced

Spray Cookie Sheet with non-stick spray. Roll out to cover cookie sheet --about 1/4 inch thick
Bake 350 for 20 minutes. Cut squares to desired size

Created by Roger and tested by Spud's mom " YUM"
Yum is right! This looks like a recipe for people treats!
Oh yum...this is a perfect recipe for both the dood and the chi. Will try this weekend - thank you!
Made these cookies just now. Apartment smells delicious! Cookies taste yummy too... yeah I ate some. Two kiddos love it.

Hi Joanne, can I include Spud's PB and oatmeal treats in the recipe book I'm creating? I will give Spud full credit. He can even have his photo next to his recipe...

I have to ask. Is this a recipe book that you will be selling ?? sounds interesting. Doodle treat recipes?

If it's a fund raiser or something I'd be interested.

This group? At one time we had talked about making a book, but it never worked out. It's nice to have the info in one place though.

Here is another one of the recipes I use for the crate before I leave in the morning. This idea was given to me by DK member Adrianne Matzkin and since then I play around with it a lot.

Take your old marrow aka leg bones, wash them out real good and restuff them for a crate time snack. ( I only use them once or twice-Max then throw out )

* Kibble
* Peanut Butter
* Yogurt
* Crumbs left over from the dog biscuits
* Or any foods your dogs enjoy

Throw it all in a bowl and mix. Freeze.
Pull one out in the morning rush before you crate your dogs.
I use different toppings. Of course the dogs don't care but I think sprinkles are important :)

Tonight's sprinkles were cranberries. Banana slices, carrots, and cookie crumbs also look good.

What kind of peanut butter can I use? Skippy's, Peter Pan? Or does it have to be organic, freshly grounded, no sugar no oil no preservatives?
I think that's up to you, your own personal preferences.

I tried this last week for Chester and he loved it. I would never have thought to reuse the Marrow bone.

I love finding a new purpose for something. Thanks for posting this!



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