Just wondering if anyone else in DK feeds BRAVO raw diet? If yes, what are you using as supplements? We use EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) everyday and salmon oil a few times a week. We also use a supplement powder (can't recall the name at the moment) that Nugget is starting to turn her nose up at when I add it to her breakfast. If you use a supplement powder that your dog seems to enjoy and you find nutritionally well-balanced, please share that info.. Thanks very much.
We feed DIY RAW. I don't use supplements. I have checked the food that I feed them and it meets the standards set. Also for my piece of mind I have a blood panel done every year at their check up to make sure everything is running smoothly.
I have never heard of DIY RAW. Is it really DIY by which I mean is it "do it yourself" so that you make it yourself or is it pre-made?
Nugget has been doing well with her blood tests, too. It's just that we've always used a vitamin supplement powder that now she is refusing. (She does this from time to time.)
Yes, Heather means "do it yourself" as in not buying any pre-made foods.
(Just thought I'd answer as long as I'm here, since I know the answer ; Heather's busier than I am and may not reply right away. Hopefully, she'll give us more info.)
I don't feed raw...I am home cooking. I've been researching supplements and Guinness seems to really like the one I'm using now. It's Canine Complete made by The Wholistic Pet. There are no fillers or additives, and there is no wheat, corn. or soy. It is human grade.
I too feed a 'do it yourself' raw diet (raw meat and raw, blended veg). We do give supplements, but live in the UK so Im not sure if they are available where you are? It's by a company called Higher Nature and it's called Super Dog Ultimate Nutrition.
To be honest Im not sure it's needed - as the variety of fruit/veg I give is alot. But to be sure my Baby(!) was getting everything he needs it's a small price to pay!