I've noticed that there are tons of doodles under the age of two on this web-site (including mine). I think it would be fun to find out who's the most senior doodle!
Good topic. When I got my labradoodle five years ago, I had never heard of labradoodles. Boy have they caught on since then. I think that the goldendoodles are even newer. Hondo's birthday is May 24, 2003 (five years old) and Groucho Too's birthday is March 22, 2006 (two years old).
Isn't it amazing how doodles have "taken off!" I have a couple of friends that have three year old goldendoodles, but before that I really hadn't heard too much about them. Sure am glad that I took the time to find out, best dogs in the world!
I met a 12 year old LD once at the Dog Park. The owner said she just thought she had mistake breeding,Oh and she got her dog for free.... (Mom was a AKC Poodle, Dad was the neighbors Lab)
Then the Doodle Craze began