Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What makes dirty socks so delicious to doodles ???    

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I don't know, but my little doodle has the same sickness. I try to keep her with me at all times, but she wreaks such havoc in our closet, sometimes I have to close the door on her. Clean, dirty, rolled, unrolled, she is an equal opportunity robber and chewer of socks. I love the nose on your doodle. My little mimi has the same markings, but I hope her nose gets a little bigger when she grows. Looks so lab ish!!
Your question just made me laugh. I thought it was something my Labradoodle Houdini only did. However when we got our golderndoodle Achilles he is also obsessed with dirty socks. It is such a prize when he gets one. I don't understand it either. I am constantly taking them out of his mouth( I have three sons 21,18 and 16, needless to say their rooms are not spotless.).It is like a treasure hunt for him. I am convinced it is a doodle thing. I am glad I am not alone chasing a doodle around the house for a smelly sock!
I bet you do have a lot of socks to be stolen with 3 sons !!! Your are so right about how it is like they just found the greatest treasure ever !! Crazy doods.
Gus use to have the same problem he's 2 1/2 now and has given up on socks. He would swallow the socks whole and a few weeks later up they'd come we had to act quick or he swallow it again! It was amazing always wondered if he had a second stomach. My daughter called me at work one day and said "Gus just threw up a big slug." I came home inspected "the slug" it was one of her socks, told her I was going to start washing them and she could wear it again it was a perfectly good sock. Needless to say she never left a sock on the floor again.
Oh yeah...socks and undies are a favourite in our house.
there are minerals in soil that are really yummy....
The sweat from your feet; dogs love to lick sweaty people, and the delightful aroma adds to the appeal.
Socks and undies. Halas manages to find them when I didn't even know I left them out.
Clean socks, dirty socks, red socks, blue socks... It doesn't matter what kind of sock, Harlow loves to munch on them all. But as much as she likes to munch on socks, she is an absolute addict for women's 'delicates'.
I'd rather have my doodle chew socks instead of SHOES! $$$
Gavin is a major laundry thief. Socks, underwear, camis, bras - you name it he takes it. He doesn't chew them however, he just holds them in his mouth, parades them in front of you and invites you to chase. A couple days ago he broke into the laundry room and came upstair with a pair of DH's underwear hanging out one side of his mouth and a pair of mine hanging out the other. Hedging his bets that at least one of us would care enough to pursue him.
Cocoa is my helper with dirty socks... my sons leave them all over the house and Cocoa finds them and puts them all in her bed. Each evening I visit her bed and throw the socks in the laundry. Once, I missed a day and somehow she had collected 14 socks by the time I checked (I can only assume she looked under my 12 year old's bed- ughh)!



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