Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

And I knew I was throwing it away as I did it! I knew he wouldn't like it! I told the cashier he wouldn't like it as I was paying for it. Why would he like it? Just because every other doodle in captivity likes antlers? Just because I finally found an American made, wholesome, healthy chew object that will last more than 20 minutes, help keep his teeth clean, and doesn't come from a dead animal? Just because I'm his mother and he's supposed to love me?

My bill at the pet supply store today was $122.95. And 33.95 plus tax was for this antler. I will be back there again within the week, it's not like I stocked up. Two 5.5# bags of Orijen, 2 beef tendons, a bag of Jones Natural liver treats, some cat food, some litter, and a pet-hair-remover roller. That's it. Every clerk in the store knows my name by heart, as well as the retired man who hands out samples. I see them more often than I see my kids.

I saw an adoption application the other day where someone estimated the normal annual cost of having a, routine vet care, grooming, $500. A year. Best laugh I've had all week.

Is there anyone in the Chicago area who would like a brand new untouched Buckarooz American made "Monster Premium" deer antler? I still have the wrapper. Come on over. Bring your doodles. We have all sorts of delicious and tempting chew items and bones all over the floor. It's like an Easter egg hunt for dogs. Pick it up & it's yours! I could pay my mortgage with what's lying on the family room floor at this moment alone. Bring a shopping bag. Bring your friends.

I give up. This crazy doodle has finally driven me past the point of no return.



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Don't feel too bad, my guys aren't too crazy over antlers, either. Stick with the "chicken things" (jerky), it's like crack for dogs around here.
He won't eat those any more, either. Nor the duck jerky. Nor the Zuck's treats, nor the Old West less expensive beef tendons. It's $1 a minute or nothing.
Timbow and I are on our way, haha
btw, Timbow's annual vet visit was $300. -- It was worth every penny for them to tell me that he is super healthy and that I don't need to change a thing! yay!
I want to say that it took Winston some time to like the antler. I have two at my home in Oregon that were free. My Rottweiler’s found them in the empty lot behind the house. They would chew on them on and off, but they weren’t the first chew toy they would seek out. Winston had to be over a year the first time he even picked up the antler from the toy box. I know have four, and I'm glad the first two were free. In fact he has one that he likes best. I have no idea what makes this one special.
Little did I know how much they cost until I went to pay (here in Marin they were selling them by the pound and I miss read the price it was a big surprise). I have found a free source (my contractor /friend) in Bend, Oregon is doing several jobs in the middle of no where and there are antlers every where. So I may be able to share in the future.
I don't even want to think how much I spend each month for two dogs. It is best not to add it up.
And I don't normally think about cost either. I'm sure I could buy cat litter and pet hair rollers at Target for a lot less. It's all about convenience for me, and JD is worth everything.
But I am just so aggravated by how picky he is. It would be one thing if he just didn't like treats or bones. But to refuse everything I give him and then try to make me guilty because he doesn't have anything is really very unfair!!!!
Oh my!!! That is unbelievable!!! How can those doodles do this to us??? And $500.00 a year is so not even near the amount I spend. I bet I've already spend way past that on Samson and I've only had him about 6 or 7 months....I am waaaaaaay past $500.00. LOL, I'm sorry but it is funny! Gosh, darn it...they drive you crazy...and yes, they are cute and that does get them out of trouble a lot!
I'm hysterical right now. These Doods have a plan to take over by driving us crazy a little at a time. It is true, I know it is. For months the only toys Guinness ever wanted were the ones with squeakers. Well then he started "inhaling them" and with the IBS they all had to go. So we moved to indestructible toys....sure a small fortune was spent on them. Each one lasted 30 minutes, and then I had to supervise to be sure he didn't eat any of those indestructible "parts". I tried Kongs...oh no thank you Mom, those things are boring. There are Kongs everywhere, and they are untouched. So then we also moved to antlers. I made the mistake of starting with the elk antlers. It seems that "jaws of steel Guinness" was able to chew them leaving sharp points on the ends to cut his gums. Who knew? So on Friday I went back to the "specialty pet store" to see if they could help me out. They said those elk antlers were a big mistake...I needed deer antlers. Okay, no problem. I say, "sign me up for a few of those". I come home very, very excited and open the first one and give it to Guinness. He smells it, licks it, and never looks at it again. Now I'm really not a happy camper. Sunday we bring home the "baby brother". The antlers are around...a couple downstairs and one upstairs. Murphy decides he LOVES antlers. Hmmm, Guinness decides he also LOVES antlers...and they are his. So, ever since Sunday night Guinness is addicted to those antlers. He has to keep one in his mouth at all times to prevent the "little Dood" from getting it. Now what's up with that? I'm telling you it's a Doodle conspiracy. I just haven't figured out yet how they are communicating with each other, but clearly they are. Someday we're all going to be in the home, and they won't even come to visit.
That's too funny, Jane. Here they all shared so nicely. Yeah right!

How's the little guy doing? Sounds like Guinness is not sharing his toys with his baby brother.

I have actually noticed that whatever one has...the rest have to have. It must be a doggie thing. Maybe Karen needs another dood to clean up all those chew things laying around.
Yes, when Molly was here, he suddenly became very interested in all the bones he's been ignoring for months...each time Molly took one out of the basket. He also developed a sudden passion for stuffed toys...hers.
And wouldn't it be sweet revenge, Jane, if they did come to visit us in the home, and brought us some expensive treats? LOL
He's doing great, Lynne. He settled right in and acted like he owned the place. It took about 10 minutes. This little guy is "hot stuff"...he struts around and keeps Guinness on his toes. I now know how the game "tug of war" was two doggie brothers who wanted the same toy (and of course they always do). I'll tell Murph that his Aunt Lynne was asking for him. Oh yes, another dood would certainly take care of those unused chew toys at Karen's house.
Oh, yeah. We refer to this in our house as Bone Bone Wars.

I don't want my bone, I want YOUR bone.

If I were the last dood on earth, and this were the last bone on earth, I wouldn't touch it.

But if I weren't the last dood on earth? And another dood wanted this bone? Well then it would be the most fascinating item on the face of the planet. And if there were two of these bones? I wouldn't rest until I had them both!



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