Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Dear fellow allergy sufferers, are F1b's really hypoallergenic.  Have any of you suffered from sneezing, wheezing, teary eyes, etc. after you brought them home. I plan on visiting breeders but is that enough????????

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Puppies and the adult dog can elict a different reaction. We breed F1b's and have had 1 puppy that was fine with its family as a puppy. They visited and had no reaction to any of the puppies, nor the mom, but did to our pet F1 doodle. The puppies adult coat came in at 9-10 months and became a problem for the famliy and he had to be rehomed. If your allergies are mild, then a doodle may be OK for you or may not. If it is a make or break issue, look to adopt an adult with its coat already changed and test it out, or you are taking a small risk that the puppy may be OK and the adult will not be. You could look into standard poodles (with an un-docked tail and a sport cut are almost identicle to F1b doodles).

We have sent puppy-rubbed towels as allergy testers to potential new famlies and they had a reaction so they were not approved for a puppy, so in our hands, F1bs can elicit an allergic reaction and it is very individual to the person and the dog.
I have a mini F1bb. The dad is already a goldendoodle and the mom is a poodle.
Both my son and I have really bad allergies. Allie is now 7 months old and we have had no reaction at all. We did visit several times. I have heard that it is different with each dog. I would definitely visit before you decide on one in particular.
These sites were very informative and gave me a lot to think about. Thank you.
Have you actually been allergic to dogs or was it just a test result?
Hi Mama,
So what are your allergies? Do you know? Allergic to dander or dog saliva? What are your symptoms?

We are here to help you. We want YOU and Your dog to be happy.
My allergist did not tell me nor did I think to ask if I was allergic to fur or dander. He said that it was a mild allergy and that I might be safe taking a new nasal spray that he prescribed. He also advised me to purchase an air purifier. He suggested that I spend time around the dog before I make a commitment.
HI and good luck with your search... Just wondering..have you ever had any allergy testing done by an allergist? This may help you to determine if it's the dander or the 'hair'. My sons both had allergy skin tests to see what they are allegic to and both came back negative to dog... but my oldest son is extremely allergic to cats.... just a thought. God luck!
I had two tests done, one as a child and another earlier this week. My allergist said that I could probably get away with just taking a new nasal spray and if that does not work then I should consider the shots which would take years to complete. I am highly allergic to cats and mildly allergic to dogs, maple trees and dust. When I'm around my nieces lab I sneeze, my eyes tear and I get hives. When I'm around my neighbors goldendoodle I do not suffer, however, we are not on friendly terms so I have never been indoors with her dog.
Yes. I know about those shots. I considered doing them for my son. He is highly allergic to tree pollen and grasses along with the cats. HIs eyes swell up and he too sneezes his head off. My younger son is so allergic to dust mites that it could trigger an asthma attack. They both are on singulair as a preventative, inhalers, and nose sprays... my son with the pollen allergy still suffers however... we have been lucky the last couple of years to have a rainy spring, so it hasn't been too bad. I'm just worried about this year.. don't think we could be so lucky again. Maybe there is someone closer to you where you can 'test' your doodle tolerance. I have an aussiedoodle and my mother who was allergic to a few dogs 'hypo-allergenic dogs as well as my aunt's poodle, is fine with Tori. But every one and every dog could be so different. Hoping everything works out for you!!!
The trouble with trying out a doodle here or there is it doesn't necessarily mean a person won't react to ANOTHER doodle. It just means that person could tolerate the ones he/she tried out.
No dog is hypo-allergenic.........There is no such thing......It is a myth.......I would also like to tell all that if the dog itself has skin allergies, hair coat (non-shedding) or not, if you are an allergy sufferer you will have a reaction to that dog......



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