What Vegetables Are You Planning To Plant For Your Doodles?
My sons are vegetarians and my husband used to be a vegetarian also so we always plan out the vegetables carefully. Most of the garden rarely goes to waste.
This year I would love to include the doodles in the vegetable planning. What do you plant for your doodles diet?
There is not much room, it's a small yard, and the areas that get decent sun and lend themselves to not being trampled by giant doodle feet chasing a ball are spoken for...last year I got my first decent yield from my raspberries! Other than those, I tuck a tomato plant here and there and have some herbs around the patio. I like growing flowers better.
Good idea. The one sunny spot in my yard is my patio/deck area. I usually have pots of sun loving annuals, but I could mix a few veggies in with them..