Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Both my doodles have just turned 2 years and I'm noticing that they both seem to need less exercise than just a few months ago.  Our routine is to walk at least once a day for about an hour and many days twice.  As it is getting hotter Lily (my high energy girl) seems to really tire out towards the end of our walks but still seems to really enjoy them.  She also poops out quicker at the dog park.  Zeke doesn't slow down quite as much or plop on the air conditioner vent when we get home but he does drink more water.  I'm thinking that once a day is going to be plenty for them now that they are pretty much out of the puppy stage and maybe 2-3 times a week an opportunity to run.  What has been your experience?

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I think you have it lucky. My doodles are 3 and 2 and have not slowed down one ounce yet. We were hoping for them too, but nothing yet. Besides going to the park twice daily they get to job besides the bike, go for romps and they wrestle multiple times and romp through the house. Good luck, Eva



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