Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone, It's been a while, life seems to just whiz by and before you know it another day is over and you haven't got round to everything you had wanted to do, so you put off till tomorrow and you know the rest.

Bentley just had to have a procedure on his lower eyelid, it was growing inward so the eyelashes (which I'm sure you all know) are so beautiful and long, where just aggravating his eye. So they tried laser, which only partially worked. The outer part of the eye had to be stitched. I wondered if anyone else had the same problem with their doodle?

He came through it with flying colors, he was his normal self within days, good job too, I missed his personality around the house so so much. Not sure if anyone else feels this way, but gosh I love this dog!! (I'm expecting most of you ha!)

Be interesting to see if this has happened to any of your babies.

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Awww-I am so glad Bentley is OK now. I have never had this happen but I do know about the eyelashes. Our goldendoodle Thomas has enormous red eyelashes and I can see how they would poke your Bentlry in the eye if his eyelid was improper. Love your pictures..especially the one with the deer.
We had this same problem with Max's lower eye lid. He had the entropion when we got him. There was a lot of tearing in that eye that stained one side of his face. We had his tacked down to stop the irritation when he was about four months old and then had the surgery to permenantly fix his eye lid when he was almost a year. He also came through the surgery very well and we have not had any more problems with his eye.
Hope your doodle is doing better now.
I'm glad that he is doing better and recovering well!
My Rosco had entropian in both eyes. He had his eyelid surgery at about 4.5 months...came through beautifully and hasn't had a problem since.
I'm glad Bentely is all fixed up now, he looks like a sweetheart!!
He so cute. I am so happy everything worked out for him.



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