Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We had a large pine tree in our side yard that was struck by lighting and was slowly dying.  Every time we had a storm with wind I was worried that it would fall on our house, or worse our neighbor's house.  I finally convinced DH that we absolutely had to have it removed.

I was fascinated watching the tree guys take this huge pine down and had to share the pictures.  I took them from our back deck.  Our house is 3 stories in the back and in these pictures the tree guy is a good 10 feet above the roof line.  It almost made me dizzy watching him.

They did a fabulous job of taking down the tree.  When they were done we measured the diameter of the stump, it was 22" in diameter.


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Wow. We had a Eucalyptus removed from our hillside because it also was dying and it was only a matter of time before it fell on our house. I never thought to get my camera - I was so busy watching the amazing way they take the tree down.....
Very interesting series of photos.
Oh my, That was too close to your house, I would of been worried about it all the time. Sounds like they did a great job.;)
Wow - very cool. And scary to think that a tree that close to your home was struck by lightning.

You know how you hear these weird stories/warnings about thunder storms, like... don't be on the phone because lightning can hit the phone line and electrocute you... or don't take a bath or shower during a thunder storm... etc? Well, it's not just an old wife's tale! A friend of mine was struck by lightning IN HIS HOME! He was cooking in the kitchen when a lightning bolt hit his roof, came down the metal air vent, hit the stove, then knocked him clear across the room. Can you imagine?!?! His parents said it was the craziest thing they had ever seen. Believe it or not, he was struck again while standing near a chain link fence during a storm, and again while standing near a tree during a different storm. (He survived all three incidents.) He's like some kind of a freaky lightning rod! lol!
I'll say! Lucky to have come out of 3 lightning strikes unscathed.
Remind me not to stand too near your friend during a thunder storm. =O} But seriously, he was very lucky.

DH & my first home was damaged by lighting. It struck a tree next to our house (different tree/different house), traveled through the tree to the cable TV wire. Fire shot out of every electrical outlet in our house. We had to have the house rewired and replace every electrical appliance we owned. Thank heavens for home owners insurance.



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