Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Darwin has been sick. Last Saturday, he was gagging all morning, and I realized he must have swallowed a toy, or a sock, or something. So I have him some hydrogen peroxide, and he threw up two large pieces of a rope toy. (We have now confiscated all rope toys.) I thought that was that...

But the next morning he was snorting. NOT hacking, or coughing or anything. Just snorting, like he had a lot of boogers in his throat and nasal cavity. I scheduled an appointment for the vet. They asked me about when he had been to daycare, and told me it couldn't be kennel cough, because it wasn't in the right time frame. In any case, he hasn't been hacking at all, just boogery like he can't breath through all the snot. They said to just take him home, watch him, and if he gets really bad, give him some Benadryl. 

Well, he's continued his boogery  snorting... but something new has happened. For the past two days, he has thrown up his morning meal. He hate them slowly, and there was nothing in the vomit except for his kibble, on either day. But do they throw up when it's just allergies? Does anyone have similar experiences or insight? 

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I should also mention that I have been wondering if perhaps his throat was irritated by the peroxide, so it created a lot of mucus. But would it have lasted this long?
Is Darwin nervous about anything? Callie has seasonal allergies, so she does the hacking/wheezing thing, but she also throws up when she's anxious. Just a thought. Poor sweet Darwin!
We haven't moved, had any visitors, or changed anything recently. So I don't think so. Behaviorally, he is acting the same.
Oh, and he's also licking his mouth a lot.
Peri actually did this last fall. Threw up only once - I think it was actually drainage! And it was seasonal allergies. It lasted about 3 weeks and she was not herself. We took her to the vet twice and got her on an antihistimine and benadryl, which helped. She was licking her mouth a whole lot during that time....
If you keep worrying, call your vet about the throwing up.
Throwing up is not a common symptom of allergies. The most common symptom of allergies in dogs is itching, licking or biting themselves, scratching, ear infections, etc., even if the allergy is related to food. If there are no signs of any kind of itching, none of Darwin's symptoms in themselves sound like they are related to allergies. It would be also be really strange if Darwin all of a sudden coincidentally developed an allergy immediately following this incident with the rope toy & the hydrogen peroxide.
It sounds like he could have the flu. There are forms of canine influenza going around. But I would think the vet would have suspected that if that was the case. I wonder if swallowing and subsequently throwing up the rope toy could have irritated his mucus membranes severely, and that's what's causing the excess throat and nasal cavity symptoms, or even the vomiting. Excess saliva can cause nausea, I think.

(I will forgive you for using the term "just" allergies, lol. Allergies can be a really big sometimes. So let's hope I'm right that these symptoms are not related to allergies.)

Hope it's just an irritation from the rope toy, and Darwin is better soon!
:-) I only mean "just" allergies, in that seasonal allergies to pollen or things like that can be easily controlled in many dogs... and aren't terribly worrisome. At least, the vet made it sound as though if it was seasonal allergies, it would be pretty standard, and not a huge deal.

And he has been licking himself in his manly regions a lot more as of late. Could that be related?
Peri's was just like your vet explained it - her reaction was to the leaves that were falling. It was worse when we hiked with her (in the woods, lots of dried leaves) - she sneezed the whole way.

The licking is probably related. Where do you live again? Here in Nashville, pollen is all over cars, streets, roofs, you name it. I am surprised Peri has not reacted to that.
I live in Salt Lake City Utah. The allergy season is actually worse for most people this year then it has been in the past.
I think for people all across the US it has been a very bad year. Sorry to hear about Darwin. I think he will get better. I felt like you though - it is just worrisome when it lasts so long. Keep an eye on the vomitting. You don't want him getting dehydrated. That is definite cause for worry.
Oh Camilla... I feel so bad for you and Darwin! The pollen is just so bad this year here on Long ISland too.... Do you think that perhaps when he threw up the rope, a piece cold have made got thrown up between his throat and his nasal cavity? Maybe it could be stuck there or irritating it??? I don's know... just a thought. I would be questioning everything too. I just can't take when these pups are not feeling well. Good luck... I will keep checking in. Hope all goes well!
I am still slightly worried about that very thing. It is getting a lot better, and he has hardly had any problems today. I just can't help but have lingering doubt about what could have been/is causing it.
Well, since this isn't the topic of your discussion, I won't go into detail, but pollen allergies, inhalant allergies, and "things like that" can't be easily controlled in dogs; that's what Jack has, it's called atopic dermatitis or atopy, and in those dogs who have severe cases, it's a HUGE deal. It gets worse as the dog gets older, necessitates strong drugs and/or expensive treatments, and can actually result in having to euthanize the dog.
However, some dogs have mild seasonal allergies that can be controlled through the use of EFAs, antihistamines, and steroids for occasional flares.
It's interesting to me that so many people have dogs who are showing respiratory or nasal symptoms, since that is not a known symptom of seasonal allergies in dogs. At least, it's not mentioned in any of the research or literature I've seen on canine allergies.
If Drawin does have a seasonal allergy, though, licking the groin area could be a symptom of that.



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