Darwin has been sick. Last Saturday, he was gagging all morning, and I realized he must have swallowed a toy, or a sock, or something. So I have him some hydrogen peroxide, and he threw up two large pieces of a rope toy. (We have now confiscated all rope toys.) I thought that was that...
But the next morning he was snorting. NOT hacking, or coughing or anything. Just snorting, like he had a lot of boogers in his throat and nasal cavity. I scheduled an appointment for the vet. They asked me about when he had been to daycare, and told me it couldn't be kennel cough, because it wasn't in the right time frame. In any case, he hasn't been hacking at all, just boogery like he can't breath through all the snot. They said to just take him home, watch him, and if he gets really bad, give him some Benadryl.
Well, he's continued his boogery snorting... but something new has happened. For the past two days, he has thrown up his morning meal. He hate them slowly, and there was nothing in the vomit except for his kibble, on either day. But do they throw up when it's just allergies? Does anyone have similar experiences or insight?