Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This really isn't a "doodle" topic, but I guess I'm looking for a little reassurance and support...

I came home today to find my husband with another dog!  :o)  He had taken Hershey for a walk, and this large black lab followed them home!  I live "in town" but unfortunately its not that uncommon to see a dog roaming the streets, but they aren't ever approachable.  This dog literally followed him into our yard and tried to come inside!  He was extremely friendly and seeking attention and was very friendly with our dog, but WOULD NOT leave our yard, even after we yelled, Go Home!

The dog looked pretty healthy and had a nice collar on, and a license tag!  Hooray!  I called the number on the county tag and gave his license number and they said they had "no record." WHAT?!  It was a 2010 tag, and you have no record?  I thought that's what dog licenses were for...  ugh.

So, my husband easily put a leash on him, because he kept running out into the street and coming back.  We walked him around our neighborhood for about 2 hours this afternoon, ringing doorbells, asking people on the street - anybody recognize this dog??  Nope.

Finally we came back to the house and put the dog on the run in our yard.  He was happy to have a bowl of water and some belly rubs, but we knew that we had to find his owner.  I work as a volunteer at the Humane Society, so I know they are closed on Sundays, and everything is directed towards the police.  So we called up the police and a very nice officer came out and after chatting a bit, he took the dog to the Humane Society.  They have a "drop off" kennel that the police have access to after hours.  So at least the dog is safe, and dry (its pouring here) and has food and water.  The staff will be in tomorrow am to take care of him.

Did I do the right thing??  I feel like I did.  There's no way we could keep a second (large!) dog in our little house, even for the night, and I know that his owners are hopefully looking for him, and I feel like that's the best way to get them reunited.  I just hope this is a happy ending cause he's such a sweet loving animal.  How could anyone just have their dog running the streets all afternoon and not be driving around looking??  I'll call the Humane Society tomorrow and talk to the girls there and see if anyone has called in about him...

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Yes you did the right thing.

Our house seems to attract dogs that have gotten away from their owners. We carefully approach them. Fortunately, all have had collars with phone numbers or names and addresses. We keep them on our deck until we can have the owners pick them up. We don't bring them in the house.
You did the right thing. I've either caught or called on a dozen dogs each year that have walked alone near our house. I never let any into my yard because I didn't know anything about them or if they'd tolerate my dogs or had any issues. I wasn't taking chances.
I would just say, keep checking with the shelter as to his status. Many Humane Society shelters are kill shelters, and large black male dogs are the first to be euthanized if the shelter is overcrowded, or if a large number of dogs come in. If his owners don't claim him, and his status becomes questionable, you might look for a lab rescue or all-breed private rescue in your area that would pull him and keep him in foster care until he is adopted. You can vouch for the fact that he is friendly.
You definitely did the right thing; if you'd kept him, his owners could never have found him at your house. Maybe he has a chip; the shelter will scan him and then they can contact the owners. Your DH sounds like a very nice guy!
I think you did everything you could, and will continue to do until you exhaust your sources. The only thing that I would have to do is I would have to follow up with someone from the County on the tag issue. I pay for a tag not only because the county requires it, but also with the hope that should my dog get lost and there be a chip problem, that the county can help reunite us. The issue with the tag not being on file needs to be resolved.
You absolutely did the right thing. You kept him from getting hit by a car or snatched up by someone who would be cruel to him. Now, he is safe from the elements, fed, and in a place where his owners would know to look for him. I think you, DH and Hershey get high-5s!
Update... A friend of mine from the Humane Society called to tell me that his owners were on their way to pick him up yesterday afternoon. Apparently they had purchased the license at a local pet store, and this pet store hadn't turned their paperwork into the county yet for 2010. What? It's MAY! Oh well, at least the pup got his family back... Thanks for the support folks!
Yea! Happy endings!
Great news. You absolutely did the right thing.
That is great!
So glad this story has a happy ending! Thanks for being such a big part of it!
Our Humane Society is NOT no-kill. They take anyone and everyone, no matter the condition or the circumstance, and so sometimes that leads to getting animals that are unsuitable for adoption and they are humanely euthanized. What I do there is to work with the adoptable dogs and get them ready for a family - teach them commands, walking on a leash, getting a feel for how they would be with kids rough-housing with them, how treat-driven they are, etc... That way when folks come to in look at the dogs, I can say "You know he's a big boy, but he's very polite on a leash, etc..." More dogs adopted = less that have to be euthanized when our kennels start to overflow...
It usually has to do with the township or county statutes. There are very definite laws & rules governing the handling of stray animals in any municipal area, dictated by one governing body or another. These guidelines are often found in the "Public Health" section of your town or county's laws & regulations.
Most animal control facilities are primarily concerned with protecting the public health & safety, rather than the welfare of the animals.



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