Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I took the dogs today to get a new power source for my laptop, an emergency you'll agree, I'm sure. They would not let the dogs in and it was too warm to leave them in the car. There were bollards right in  front of the door where I could tie them in the shade, but the guard did tell me the power cords were all the way on the other side of the store. So we walked around the mall to the other side, where I tied  them, almost within my view the whole time, and certainly within the guards view.  On the way back, we walked through Bed, Bath and Beyond. The staff and customers all smiled at the dogs.  I plan to write to the CEO of Best Buy to complain about their no dog policy. If enough of us complain, maybe some stores will change their policies.
Update Here is the email address for the CEO

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Our Best Buy is right next door to Petsmart and they won't allow dogs. I've had so many problems with this place that I now refer to them as "Worst Buy!"
Great letter and story!!! Maybe you would want to cross post it in the group for "Pet Friendly Places" and all the memebers of that group would hopefully send a letter to Best Buy too! In the shopping area by us the stores go in order Borders, Bed Bath & Beyond, Old Navy - Best Buy - and Chipolte - you can go right down the line to all the stores and SKIP Best Buy because they won't allow dogs. Definately loosing business.
I take Winston to BBB all the time; we even discuss what thread count would be good when buying sheets. Kidding, but I do talk to him about what we are there to buy. Be careful about the therapy vest and going places, Delta Society makes it very clear in the training program that to use the vest outside of an official visit is not allowed. I take Winston and Freya in all stores that allow dogs, and here in Marin that is almost any store that is not selling food. The only time I leave them home is if I'm going clothes shopping, dogs in the dressing rooms is too hard to manage. I also only take one dog at a time if I'm by myself, too large dogs might be pushing the envelope for some stores and their employees. This is a personal decision, and if I had smaller dogs I probably would take both in at once. So the dogs take turns on who gets to go shopping with Mom.
I have taken my doodle into Best Buy and did not have aproblem. We had 30 minutes to kill before puppy class at PetSmart next door so we browsed BB. The front door guy didnt say anything and nobody approached us to leave. A few employes stopped to pet her. I even went in the back to talk to a tech guy at the Geek Squad corner about my broken computer. Sorry you had a different experience.
Reply from Best Buy--guess I didn't rate a personal response from the CEO:

Good afternoon Ms. Parker,
We have received your email here at our corporate office and I have been assigned to reaching out to you concerning your disappointment with your recent experience in one of our stores.
I can definitely understand your concerns as a pet owner as I also own a dog. Unfortunately, non-service animals aren’t allowed within our stores for the safety of our customers as well as employees for a number of reasons.
I most certainly understand that while many responsible pet owners can keep control of their pets while shopping, there are some who simply may not which could pose a danger to staff and patrons alike.
I would be happy to also get the store location so that I may provide your feedback to them as well. I truly appreciate your feedback on this and should you have any additional questions or concerns, please let me know.

Jamie Friede
Executive Resolution Specialist
Best Buy Co., Inc.
(612) 292-0423 Ph

(952) 430-3871 Fx


"Leave everything you touch better than you found it."
If I were a business owner and if I didn't allow pets (like that would ever happen), my response to this problem would be "While I certainly understand your desires to bring your furry friends with you as you shop, as I am the same way, it is very unfortunately that our Companies Insurance Liability policy strictly prohibits us from allowing non service pets in our stores! I certainly hope that you will not allow this to keep you from shopping with us in the future. Once, my most sincere apologies!"

I hate letters like the one you received. They are so impersonal. I love the "I have been assigned to reaching out to you". She can't even put a correct sentence together. I always just want to respond to things like this with "blah blah blah".
Much nicer response!
You tell him!!! You know when it is hot out...we cannot leave them in the car and when we shop we spend money so it only makes sense for stores to turn the other cheek when they see dogs shopping with their owners. Perhaps when we start buying flat screen TV's for our doodles, Mr. Dunn's policy may change...



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