Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This post is part of a series of my gardening philosophy, none of which is unique to me. A volunteer is " a plant that grows on its own, rather than being deliberately planted by a human farmer or gardener. Volunteers often grow from seeds that float in on the wind, are dropped by birds, or are inadvertently mixed into compost before it is used." I f you want volunteers, it helps to garden like I do, that is don't do much, if any, cleanup. I mow and mulch back into the lawn, collecting no clippings. The flower and shrubbery beds are never really cleaned out but occasionally neatened up. If you let things be like this you not only save lots of work, preserve water, and get better soil but you can get delightful surprises, and some not so delightful surprises too. I have taken pictures of some of my volunteers. Some I'll leave where they are, some I'll transplant, some I'll just pill out and others I'll give away.
Please feel free to add pictures or stories of your volunteers.

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Soon I hope.
Me too. My hubby is kinda picky about our landscaping. Anything that looks like a weed, gets pulled. One day I caught him pulling the tulips that were done blooming!!! I put a stop to that real quick!!



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