It seems participation in this last page decor contest was down from last time, yet never has participation been HUGE. My guess is that perhaps this time there was less notice and the theme was not real easy and it was a temporary theme that would need to be changed AGAIN once the contest was over.
But I'm wondering if interest is just overall low in this particular type of contest. If we have another Page Decoration Contest I'd like to have NO theme--where everyone can do what they like to their page.
Would you participate? Yes/No?
And if NOT...please use the poll below to share why -- SCROLL DOWN A WAYS...I can't seem to get it to show close to this text. You may choose up to 3 options:
Yup, that was it. I'll report the results after I get more people to participate in the poll. So far one person hates the prizes, will have to explore that one a bit more =)
There actually wasn't a choice that fit me exactly right. I picked the first option, because that came closest, but in reality, I'm not quite as hopeless with tech stuff as that, lol! I just have problems with the way the program for changing the appearance of your page operates. I also didn't have a wide enough computer screen to even see the side margins of the pages until just recently!
In this contest, I loved the prize. When the prizes have been grooming products, brushes, etc., I'm not interested because I have no use for those things. But I like to participate in everything here on DK, so I would have particpated anyway, and maybe asked you to give the prize to the first runner-up or some such thing if it was something I couldn't use.
Kathryn really does a great job. And doodle sculptures come out so cute!
I tried to think of all the possible reasons, but knew there would be 'other' so I included that too. In the Sunday email I send out I'll encourage more to respond.
I just did. But polls force you into a narrow answer. For instance, not all the prizes suck, but for me some are of no interest. I wouldn't enter for a prize but for fun. Yet it seems there could be contests that are more fun and less work. Of course, I can't think of any right now : ) Changing a page is tedious. The back and forth checking is almost as bad as speaking to customer service at most companies. Guaranteed to raise one's blood pressure. Then too, having to check out everyone's page is a drag to me.Yet, I love being surprised by a beautiful or thoughtful page when I go there for another reason. Also, not everyone may get one's sense of humor. We do need an instructional page as you can see from others' comments. A preview way of changing a page would make life much easier.
I for one do not want to change a page for every holiday, etc. IMNSO (in my not so humble opinion) a page should reflect a persons interests, talents, passions or some sense of oneself. I personally am not a big fan of glitter and bling.