My friend just had a baby and I'd like to get her a small gift (under $100). What do new moms like? Just a background on my friend: She's 31 and just had her 2nd baby girl. She was told 10 years ago that she wouldn't be able to get pregnant after her first child. So her new baby, Riley Grace, is practically a miracle baby.
I was thinking about either one of these. Are these good gifts? Any suggestions would be great.
The last baby gift I gave was a gift certificate for a portrait studio. The mom to be was quite delighted with it as she was having twins and had received tons of clothing and other gifts.
The best gift I received was a home visit makeover.
I never did well post-partum. I could have stayed pregnant forever! Loved it. For months after wards was just so hard emotionally and physically. Six weeks after my second son was born I turned 30 :(
So...... a hairdresser and a make-up artist showed up in my home one evening along with a babysitter to watch my boys. A fresh haircut and some clean light makeup really felt refreshing. Of course I did not want it at first but it did a world of good for new a mom who had no time for herself and truly had no idea II looked like a used poop bag.
Just read of an interesting connection between post partum estrogen decreases and monoamine oxidase which may help to explain the Postpartum blues.
It is hard afterward under the best of circumstances!
I am not a mom, but most of my friends are or are pregnant. From experiencing lots of showers and hosting them, trust me, they get a LOT of blankets!
I would go with the book or something like that. And my friends' favorite gifts so far have been things they registered for: graco swing, bathtub, swaddle blankets, and a companion sleeper thingy that fits next to the bed (good for breast feeding while they are teensy tiny).
I got a personalized frame for my first daughter from a friend. It had 13 picture spots in it - 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months.... etc. Every year I put her school picture in the large middle spot. It has her name and birthday engraved on it. I think it came from Things Remembered. By far my favorite gift keepsake gift ever. We have a personalized book, cross, piggy banks, dolls, bears, and the list goes on. They always want to touch and hold the pretty collectables and the book, if its like my house they get pretty worn out from use.
I have to say that I am liking this "for the mom" gift idea. The baby probably has EVERYTHING she needs, but those first few weeks moms with newborns become purely caregiving devices and it feels good to be pampered!
Babies don't care if they get gifts. Sisters do. And mommies need to feel pampered. Depending on the age of the first girl, get bubbles, coloring book or a paint with water book or some glitzy nail polish so sister and mommy can share a moment of fun. Bring mom a dinner for the freezer or for that night, or something really girly, not mommy, like scented bath salts or scented lotion or a pretty hair clip if her hair is long, she is going to be short on time to fuss with it.