I have looked up a lot of discussions on this, but I am hoping for an answer to my specific situation. Darwin got sick today. We came home from work, (We were gone for around 6 or 7 hours, and he had diarrhea in his crate. He has never, ever done this. He has had diarrhea before, but has never had an accident in our house. When we took him out, he threw up over and over, a mucus like substance... and I didn't see any food or anything in his vomit. Just yellow mucus looking stuff.
We cleaned everything up, gave him water, and have been letting him rest. He hasn't thrown up for at least 4 hours, but he is very deadbeat. In the past when he's gotten sick from something, he's been pretty responsive afterwards. This time, he's pretty lethargic, won't keep his head up to look at me, etc. I wanted to give him a little something, so I offered him a tiny zukes mini. He wouldn't eat it. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED. Even after he has been sick in the past, he is well enough to eat boiled chicken or a little treat a few hours later. It has been half a day since he threw up.... and he won't even look at his favorite treat.
His poop was completely normal this morning. I can't think of anything he could have gotten into that would have made him so sick. He was out of his crate for 1 or 2 hours, in the room with me this morning. Then he was in his crate until we got home. We had a chocolate cake on the table, but I looked at it and none of it was missing. It seems unlikely that he would get so sick from a few crumbs that may have been on the floor.
My question, does this sound like a sickness like Giardia, or something else? He has gotten into things before... (A redvines rope once) and has thrown up, but has been much better afterwards. It's the classic question. Am I overreacting, or could it be an illness?