Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Supreme Diva of the entire NING network?? Does anyone want to second the motion?

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I second that... Adina the Supreme Doodle Diva of Ning!
she has my vote
Doodle Diva is the way she herself worded that last message, lol. Doodle Diva of Ning!
Actually, that sounds like a character from the old Flash Gordon TV show. I know I'm dating myself, hee hee.
I wonder if that means I should be singing Doodle Opera...?
I still like to think of her as our fearless leader although it doesn't address her best qualities such as wisdom, fairness, ability to listen and arbitrate.
Natasha, we must get moose and squirrel. Oops just dated myself.
Doodle Opera... sounds interesting... Count me in for a vote as well! :-)
Adina the Supreme Doodle Diva of Ning it is!!! I second and third it!!!!
Sounds like a good idea to me...Doodle Diva and a Clarkapoo,
I am in: Adina for Ning Doodle diva!
Oh she is going to ask for all of the green M&Ms be removed from her backstage suite. Oh and she is going to ask for her diet cokes to be kept at 55 degrees, her potato chips to be lightly salted, her cheese to be kept at room temperature (and do NOT move it!!!!!!!!), and her Evian water to be kept at exactly 57 degrees. She uses the water to moisten her face. And if any of this is not just so............BEWARE of the consequences!!!



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