Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was so disappointed to see this morning that the DRC is now in 7th Place in the Animal Rescue Site Shelter Challenge. It takes literally less than 1 minute to vote.


We need all the members here in DK who love their Doodles so much and support the DRC in so many ways to vote.

It is so easy - once you click on the link you type in

Doodle Rescue Collective

Montclair, NJ 

click 'Vote'

and then confirm your vote by typing in the name of the animal that is pictured.

That's all it takes.


PLEASE help the DRC save more Doodles!!



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Ribbit...I got a frog
Does anyone have an idea how to get more DKers to Vote?? Down to 8th place today in NJ! All the same people vote which I am so deeply grateful for but what about all the others that are here daily? Suggestions?
Tell Adina to hold the slideshow hostage! So many people have said that they love it so in its place for a week put the voting link. Have some cute message saying rescue doodles have taken the slideshow hostage because they want everyone to move the DRC up a few places. Maybe Adina could just move a new slideshow to a discussion forum temporarily and have it be themed rescue doodles for this voting surge and have the link there too. I don't know...just a thought.
exellent idea! I am sure she will read this and give us her thoughts.
2 fish and a pig. I get emails daily to vote, that keeps me going. When I wasn't getting the emails I would forget some days I'm sure everyone checks their emails daily and this is a great reminder.
I got a horse today. Will vote again when I get home. Anyone know why I can't vote from my blackberry?
I am always reminded to vote through these discussions... so I think keeping these going is a good idea. I like the slideshow idea too!
Ditto! If I see one of these, I always go do it. Otherwise I seem to forget. Oldtimers at the age of 24? I like the holding the slideshow hostage idea!
Ribbit...I got a frog today.
Got a cat today.
A cat and a cow for me today!



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