Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It's a very down day - might loose my job....I would love a prayer for strength if you have time.

Hi all my DK friends, totally un-doodle related but I still needed some help.  I found out yesterday at 4:45P as of June 7 I may no longer have a job due to circumstances beyond my control.  The account wants all of the agents moved to inside one of the facilities - currently I work at home.  The new facility is in Wash DC and I am in Akron, OH - not feasable for me with my husband's job and my children.  It came out of the blue, totally blindsided and I just can't quit crying over it.  I really did love my job and working from home was perfect for me.  I know I need to be positive and it might be that better things are coming and I have to come through this but I am just not there yet.  If you have the time I would so appreciate a little prayer for some strength.  Poor Hunter's head is all wet I keep crying all over her :-(

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Hi Denise, Prayers for your situation are being offered right now! Having that sweet doodle to comfort you is a blessing already isn't it?
Hunter is a total blessing - she just keeps sitting there letting me cry on her. Seecretly she is hoping I drop my kleenex so she can eat it :-) She has been so much comfort, she is the first dog I have ever had and I don't know what I would do without her now. We still have no for sure answers but its seems that all the writing is on the wall.
Sending positive energy your way Denise. I just went through the same thing a month ago, the social service agency where I have worked for the last 24 years is being closed. Doodle therapy got me through the first week - nearly walked poor Gavin's paws off. You know think-walks. Hang in there.
Lots of hugs and doodle kisses. Kind thoughts, prayers, and energy are pouring your way.
So sorry to hear about your news. We will remember you and your family in our prayers.

A number of us were laid off last September, during the worst time of the economic downturn in our country. I was devastated, I loved my job, I loved my boss (I still do, and we stay in touch), and I loved my team.

This is from my daily devotion reading a few month back, but I think it is a wonderful reminder:
Duffy Daugherty, a colorful Michigan State football coach in years past, used to say that you needed only three bones to journey successfully through life: a wishbone, to dream on . . . a backbone, for strength and courage to get through the tough times . . . and a funny bone, to laugh at life along the way.

Take care, and I hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.
So sorry to hear about your job, it must be scarey. Think postive and better things will come your way. I will keep you in my prayers. {{{Hugs}}} from lilly. Stay strong..
Sorry to hear about your situation Denise..... I will be thinking of you and sending you a prayer, that this is the beginning of something rather than the end.....
Denise, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Timbow is sending lots of hugs and doodle kisses.
Marley and Lizzie send doodle hugs and kisses your way! We are so sorry that you are in this situation, but like you said, maybe it will work out for the better. Best Wishes!
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I like to feel that when one door closes another opens.
Hi Denise
I am sorry that you have to go thru this stress right now.
Take a few deep breaths (to suck in all of our prayers and well wishes), go for a long walk with your dood and play fetch.

It sounds contrite now but, where one door closes, another opens. If it happens, it was meant to be- you might just find something better. My "un-hubby" was laid off 2 days before the end of the year. Looked for a job for 2 months. And ended up becoming the CTO of a company and working from home.
Prayers, hugs, and positive thoughts go to you today - stay strong Denise and please know there are many who care.



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