Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I saw on the site that someone writing about quirky things that their doodle does. I tried to join in the discussion but I wan't a member of that group so I thought I'd start another b/c this seemed like it could be funny. Sonny does so many little quirky things but the funniest thing he does is rest or sleep with a tennis ball in his mouth. He just kind of lays there with it inside his mouth. One of these days when I upload my new photos I will post a pic.

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Kind of like a binky (pacifier). lol!
haha speaking of binkys, ruby had an obsession with finding them and sucking as a puppy
What a GREAT photo!!! HAHAHA! Ruby looks so precious with that binky in her mouth!!!!
was just thinking that!
Yeah what is it with the sucking deal??? Hoda has babies(stuffed animals) and she sucks on them. Too funny!
Silly Sonny! Glad you posted these Ali.... He got soooo big! His hair is starting to grow in nicely
He is a silly pup and yes thank goodness it is FINALLY growing back in. That took a along time!
I can't believe it. My puppy sleeps in the same position. I thought there was something serious wrong with her to sleep so twisted, but I am happy to see that it must be a "doodle thing".
LOL .. Sonny still sleeps all twisted if he is anywhere but in my room. Sonny's newest thing is to sleep on the floor of my room with his head under my bed and the rest of his body sticking out. He looks like a headless dog!
Well at least this motivated me to upload the pictures I had on my camera since March. Notice Sonny sleeping next to his bed with the tennis ball in his mouth! lol
Chili sleep feet up on his back in the middle of the front yard with his kitty, Jake, sleeping next to him.



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