We are picking up our mini Australian Labradoodle on July 17th from the breeder who is 6 hours away. She will be 8 weeks on Wednesday, July 14th. She only weighs 2.4oz. She was the smallest in a litter of 8 puppies. We can hardly wait!
The puppies were born on May 19th, but I decided to wait until another litter from my favorite mother, Sandi Beach. She won't be due for another 2 months though. It is going to be very hard to wait that long, but I love this mother dog's other puppies.
Congratulations, Mary Lynn! Those dog-in-waiting months are exciting - be sure to read as much as you can now to help ease and prepare for puppy's homecoming. It sure helped me - my guy's been home a week now and I'm grateful for knowing how to best ease his transition home.
Thanks, Yours is adorable! How old is he? I've been wanting a dog for almost a year, so I guess I can wait another few months. I'm getting a mini, multi-generational one also. I'm about 5 1/2 hours from the breeder so I haven't been able to visit her yet. She suggested that I wait until the puppies are 5 weeks old. I'm enjoying reading as much as I can in the meantime. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
I understand that longing for a puppy, believe me. I lost my one and only dog in September and found I simply could not be without one. When DH agreed to get another, he did the research and determined an Australian labradoodle would be the only breed he'd consider. Interestingly, when I asked him today if Bosco was worse/better or just as he expected he replied the latter to my saying he's better than I thought a new pup would be - to which DH stated,"That's why I chose this breed!". You will NOT be sorry!
We're 2 1/2 hours from the breeder so not too bad of a distance - I had a chance to visit when the dam was pregnant, then when pups were 5 wks, old - just as yours will be. It was truly a case of the puppy choosing us. I'm anxious to hear your experience when the time comes.
The books I like are "The Art of Raising a Puppy" by the Monks of New Skete and at the total other end of the spectrum, "Puppies for Dummies"! Also one of the dog training/housebreaking magazines I got at Pet Smart. It helped having Casey, plus going through dog training with her, as we'll be doing with Bosco, whose trainer starts here tomorrow with him - an hour a week for 5 weeks. Bosco already knows down and stay, and has been ringing the poochie bells I got from a link on this site.
Best of luck and keep us posted on how "homecoming is coming" along!