I have finally decided to break down and get Sheba & Duke's hair cut, professionally. I have really struggled with this as I LOVE the way they look. Another reason why I hesitate cutting Sheba's hair is that she will be so much lighter because the groomer will be cutting off her black tips and the fur below the tips is much lighter. : ( It is just so darn hot for them and we want to take them swimming without worrying about the mats.
I love their beards and the length of the fur on their faces/head/ears. Would a puppy cut look better? Will they look like a bobble-head if their head is untouched but their body is shaved? Would it be better to shave or just a scissor cut??? Would you get them groomed or just leave them the way they are? Decisions, decisions, decisions!
Sheba and Duke don't mat much on a daily basis so I don't have to spend much time grooming them. When Duke swims his fur doesn't mat to badly. When Sheba swims it's a whole other story! When we were in Florida in December she was going through her coat change. What a mess!!! She was a matted mess from the coat change AND swimming. I spent hours cutting out mats and brushing her. A few weeks ago I took the dogs to NJ for a romp. Sheba did a lot of swimming and got extremely matted. Again I spent hours brushing her out. I am amazed that she has any fur left! I got a regular sized Walmart bag full of fur.
I welcome any ideas. Please feel free to post a picture of your doodle showing their summer cut or any links you know of that show doodle haircuts as I would love to have a photo to show the groomer. Thank You!
This photo was taken after our trip to Florida. (I also spent hours while we were in Florida de-matting her.)

This last picture is a dog we saw at Bow Wow Beach when we visited with Joanne, Spud & Starlit. I don't think I'll do a cut like this but it was kinda cute. (I cloned out the poo!)