Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well here in hot humid Florida we definately have a flea problem...I hate those topical flea thingys that you put on them, they all make their coats greasy, and I am not happy with them...My vet does not like Avantage or the plus one. He says they are not working like they used too, so he gave me Confortis to try with the boys. I gave it to them last night with dinner, and so far they have been fine, I know it doesn't help with Ticks, so I use the tic collar, I have used it before, because I never needed the flea stuff before about 6mos ago. I have my property sprayed, and my house is sprayed too. My guys are only walked on our property, and I had no problems, but I guess that is over with now. Any one else using this Confortis??...And oh by the way, when I told the vet that it was cheaper by $20.00 on line, they told me to make a copy of the page from the computer and they would meet the price...I paid $73.00 for a six mos supply, which will only last me 3 mos since I have to give it to both dogs. I had them groomed on Sat. and the groomer found fleas on Oliver and Renny, not a lot, but they were there, and Renny had 4 ticks!!!...I called my exterminator, and he is coming on Friday to check out the house and lawn etc...Ugh I am so allergic to fleas, had an infestation once yrs ago, and don't want to go thru that ever again...Anyway, has anyone been using this Confortis?..Just wanted to know if it is as good as they say it is, thanks, Cheryl

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My vet has been trying to get me to give it to Lucca because the Frontline only lasts 3 weeks on him. I hate to put that stuff on him more than once/month. I have yet to give him the Confortis as I haven't been able to research the pros and cons and safety aspects yet. The 3 vets in our office tried it on their own dogs to see how they reacted to it. 2 had diahrea and 1 tolerated it. I will start my research and share. Curious to hear what others have to say.
I love Comfortis! It controls all stages of fleas which is great. Haven't had a problem with fleas since beginning with it...YAY. On our first puppy we used the topical stuff, & we'd occasionally have to use a dose of Capstar in addition, because the topical we used wasn't effective on adult fleas. But now, one dose of Comfortis and no worries.
Thanks Beth, I am so glad to hear that. Heres hoping we have the same results. Like I stated, I am so allergic to the fleas myself, I get bitten and I swell up, look like I was attacked by giant mosquito's....
thanks Carla, looking forward to hearing what you find...
I use Comfortis on Gracie and it is great. Though she doesn't like the pill. We have to break it up and hide it in pill pockets. Other dogs just eat it like candy...not Gracie Doodle. We also use Interceptor Sentinel for Heartworm, The only thing she is not covered on is Ticks. We don't have ticks where we live but if we take her to places that may have them then we use the topical Frontline Plus. I also have a tick collar just in case. I have yet to use it. I just went to our Vet yesterday to get my 6 month renewal of Comfortis and Sentinel and was informed the prices have gone up. I too was told that if I bring in a printout of a cheaper price on-line, they will honor it and I can purchase it right there at the on-line price. I did quite a bit of research last night and came up with the cheapest for Comfortis 60.1-120 lbs. Brown 6-pk for $58.00 and for Interceptor Sentinel 51-100 lbs, White 6-pk for $32.49. Going to Vet tomorrow to see if they honor these prices like they said!

The only thing I was told about Comfortis when we started Gracie on hers was to give it on a full stomach. Sometimes they can vomit it up. My neighbor's two Springer Spaniels are also on it with zero problem. All have been on it for almost 2 years.
I'm seeing all this good stuff posted here but when I research online I read only negatives. I'm a bit confused. I just did an ordinary search for Confortis side effects and quite a bit came up. I know it effects all dogs differently but I would be a little leery at this point. Sorry, I don't mean to throw a wrench into this posting.
I had Lucy and Sophie on it last Summer because I hate the ones that are liquid that you put on their backs. It was also a problem here (particularly when they were little) because having to, I had to keep them separated when I first put the stuff on their backs because they weren't allowed to wrestle and chew on each other for 4 hours so it was just a pain. It was almost the very day that I got the stuff (which was expensive) that someone posted something on here that was somewhat negative about it and I then went and did some research and was a little uncomfortable with my choice. So this year I switched back. They also didn't like the taste and it was a struggle getting them to take it.
We use Comfortis b/c we have a doggie door, and our next door neighbors unfortunately do not take care of their dogs. I know that they have fleas b/c they are constantly scratching. I have never seen a single flea on Wrigley or Rootie, and I search them constantly. I'm convinced it works!
I have both of my doods on Confortis, and neither have had any side effects. In fact, the vet suggested I give it to them every three weeks (instead of four) at this time, because there is such an infestation of fleas this season. ( I use to use Frontline, but because Kachi swims so much, I was worried that maybe he would wash it off somehow. Plus, I hated how oily his hair would get with Frontline.)



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