Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was curious as to what the difference was between an English Goldendoodle and a  "regular" goldendoodle so I asked a breeder her opinion.  She provided this information and I wanted to know your opinions:

Europian or English Cream Goldendoodles are called this because the Golden Retriever is a Europian type and many of them have been imported here from Europe.  The breed standard for Golden Retriever's in Europe and other countries is different than in the US.  There are several differences and prices are higher because of these differences and the demand for them.

1. They have a calmer more easy going temperament.

2. They have a thicker more dense coat that doesn't seem to shed quite as much.

3. They have shorter legs and a broader head and a shorter broader nose and a stockier more dense chest and body build.  This gives the Goldendoodle a much more balanced look when combined with the long legged, long nosed, sleek poodle.  

4. They can be much lighter in color, thus the name English Cream.

When you combined these qualities in a Goldendoodle you get a wonderful Teddybear appearance in a VERY calm and extremely loving temperament.  This is just a little of what people love about the English Cream.  

I'm still researching but the more info I receive the harder it is to make my decision.  So far, I'm leaning towards a F1b mini Goldendoodle.  I was also leaning towards a red coated doodle but now.......Thanks in advance for your help.

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There are black and brown "Golden"doodles too.
This is one thing I love about Doodles...all colors are acceptable!
I don't really like the idea of "culling" puppies from a program based on color alone..., well, I don't believe in "culling" at all, except to indicate that the dog is spayed/neutered and not bred if it is not acceptable to the breeding program...and I think that it is fine that the breeders who love the cream colored Goldendoodles are finding a good market for them.
But one of the most liberating things about breeding Doodles, from my perspective, is that a breeder can embrace any color combination that is pleasing to them or to their customers. The focus on Doodles is health, intelligence and it should be. :o)
PART...but I think they have won people over due to their temperament and family friendly quality.
yes, I love Peri's golden ears and markings on her back & legs.....
Bottom line - color was actually the last thing I cared about. Heck I didn't even care if she was curliest or not. I didn't care. I knew my breeder would guide us to a good choice and we worked together to find our Peri.
I love the black and brown doodles too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right. And realistically, someone else said this too, when you mix a small poodle with a dog that has bigger grandparents...the boning of that bigger grandparent really isn't gonna guarantee much! PLUS you're likely getting more poodle genes in an F1b anyway, so it the chances it will be a stockier, blockier dog are slim. It's the hair that makes a doodle, usually, look like a teddy bear.
No matter what item we are talking about, if it is more difficult to come by or rare, it is going to cost more. I think we've had to install a separate name for the cream Goldens because the AKC does not accept them in the show ring. If creams were widely accepted, we'd already have our country swimming with them and they wouldn't be "special." So, it isn't good marketing that makes the prices so high on the European lines. It is the fault of the AKC for turning their noses up at them. Oh the irony! For those who love them, it makes them cost a small fortune. I just had the opportunity to add a Golden Retriever from English lines. No, they aren't typical for what most of us currently see the Golden Retriever as. However, she is the most striking dog in the bunch and the first one everyone asks about. I know I'm hooked. She is still a pup but so far, she acts like any other Golden pup that we've had. She very sweet, pretty laid back but gets excited about seeing me. We just love her.



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