Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nobody Gets a Puppy When They Have a 7 Month Old Baby...Riiiiiiiight???

Where to begin?

Since losing two of our three wonderful dogs earlier this year, we've thought and talked and pondered the idea of adding another doodle.  I've looked and looked at possible breeders...hoping for a chocolate or black F1 (or F1 looking) pup. 

I started communicating with a few breeders...with the intention of a possible pup NEXT year.  2011.  We were/are looking at one breeder more seriously....  That same breeder has a litter on the ground NOW, ready for the end of July. 

So then we thought...well...maybe THIS summer might be better.  Who wants to potty train in the winter when you can do it in nice weather?  So I collected some opinions and then decided ... no.  Why ruin a good thing?  There's a baby who will crawl soon that's like a puppy or two in herself.  And there's Rosco who is the lowest maintenance dog I can imagine...well behaved, easy-going, loving and settled.  Done deal.  No puppy.  And so I've told myself and others over and over and over again.

But of course...I still looked. And since I was considering this breeder...I still had to visit her home, right?  I still had to meet the parents of the 'future' litter and see how puppies live, etc.  That's where I went today.  My evil husband told me "and if you bring one home, that's okay" (here everyone is trying to convince their husbands to let them get another dood...and mine is trying to ruin my resolve to NOT get one).

Natalie and I paid a visit to a 5 week old litter of reds, apricots, and creams.  I flexed my "puppy-resistance" muscles, took my anti-puppy supplement, packed up Natalie and drove 2 hours.

And all was fine.  I didn't feel like I *HAD* to leave with one...but there were some cuuuute ones!  And in showing Clark the photos we got to talking more about what it would take to make bringing home a puppy this summer WORK.

Here's where we're at though...while there is no 'hurry' here's my dilemma(s) and some positives:

-- Rosco is a big dog...big dogs don't usually last for 15+ years.  Since we want to get a second dog while he's around...if we wait too long, we're worried he'll be too old to like the puppy and it will mostly be a nuisance to him, rather than a friend.  Clark thinks he waited too long in Cass' life to add Thule.  Cass was 10 and she really didn't ever play with Thule or interact with her, except competitively.  It didn't brighten her day, anyway.

-- Natalie is 7 months old.  She'll crawl soon.  And yet...we want more kids...and if we waited till all our potential babies were 5 years will be awhile and we might be down to a one dog house again.  We WANT two dogs of different ages.  Not that this can be always planned precisely, but it's something to think about.  It might be better to get the pup now because by the time any future kids come will be surely done potty training and out of nipping stage and more or less have basic manners and obedience down pat.  Yes it will take more time to train while I have a babe under 1 year old...but it would take even MORE time with several kiddos around, right?

-- Here I am, an admin of a big doodle site.  I don't want to set a 'bad' I feel some pressure.

-- The area that is now our 'mud room' is a great spot for gating off puppy.  It is right next to the back door and perfect for confinement away from Natalie and a safe place to slowly acclimate puppy to our home.  We have baby gates and crates and can't be too hard to make it work.

-- Socialization seems relatively a non-issue.  I can take puppy many safe places while Natalie is in a front pack that I wear or in her stroller...both able to experience the world.

I'm not a 'newbie' dog I have a decent skill set at dog care.  Am I crazy?  One adviser told me essentially "sure you could do it, and do it well...but WHY?"  And I don't have an answer other than I kinda want to!  And it kind of scares me. 

So help me out friends!  I don't want puppy cheerleaders giving me the "rah rah rah...get a puppy!"  I want sincere, thought-out, advice.  Help me sort this out.  To get a puppy or not to get a puppy!?

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I have LOVED reading these posts to the discussion!!! I don't have anything "new" to add to the discussion, but I've just enjoyed it so much I had to let everyone know.
I will say this.... "DITTO."

Good Luck, Adina & Clark!
If I were you, having visited the pups and left without the feeling that I HAD to have a particular pup, then waking up the next morning still not thinking a lot about a particular pup, -- I would wait till that special pup comes along.
Wow--you got a lot of great replies--I like the "go with your gut " thing--what is in your heart--because you have to live with your decision for a long time and it will make a lot of work for both of you--so you want it to be something you can really feel strongly about.
My own experience is that, until just a year or so ago, I only had one dog at a time. I had my very first puppy (I had previously "inherited"older dogs) when my daughter was just over one year old. She was walking and able to defend herself from a rollicking puppy. I had a small terrier then and it worked out very well. Yes, I had puppy messes and diapers, but young moms are always in cleaning up mode, so I thought nothing of it. It was fun and I had no regrets.
Two dogs would have been a bit harder, but if one is older and easy going, you should be fine. But I agree that Natalie crawling and Natalie walking are two different things. She will be a lot more aware of what she should and shouldn't do in just a few short months and will be on her feet. Then, you can get a Spring puppy and have the whole spring and summer outside with it. It will be trained and all before baby number two comes along....unless you plan on having another one right away!
I just retired and can't wait to have Lyric's puppies here at home this fall (She isn't pregnant yet, but I am hoping for October pups) Everyone looks at me like I am nuts--but you have to follow your heart and do what you feel is fun and good for you!
My daughter just got this 10 week old English springer spaniel, Roxie. She has 14 month old, Ryan, who is in to everything. She already had two big dogs (Golden and Berner) and two indoor cats. I thought she was a little crazy, but she told me they want to have another baby and didn't want to wait to get another dog (the Berner is getting up there in years). They thought it would be easier when there was only one child than two. Thinking it over, I have to agree with them. Go for it, girl! As you can see, they all get along.

precious :)
Hi, check out this beauty! just listed on the "urgent" page

I could discuss, but you have so many great responses here already, the crawling and toddling kiddo's-four dogs from young (nippy stage) and very old (grumpy stage) with paws on the floor.....write a book about pups and pooh diapers, loads 'love this pun' of fun!!

ps....It is TX but maybe he could be transported :) best of luck with your search, Deb
Does the breeder have any small children around? We have kept puppies fir a few extra weeks, as long as a month, to try and teach the pup what things are not OK to do to our toddler. It might be too much to find the right breeder who also happens to have a baby too. Is you little one sleeping through the night? Getting up with a puppy is hard but if you are up feeding a baby too you may go insane from sleep deprivation. 
Maybe if you are questioning getting a puppy you already have given yourself the answer.
What can I say! We are both retired, lost our 2 labs in the same year. Decided to get a labradoodle puppy. One month later we got another one (at our age, what were we thinking)! I would be concerned about Roscoe being lonely. We have always had two dogs and never feel guilty if we leave them for the day because they have each other. A puppy is always a hassle but when you have an older well-behaved dog he is an example to the pup and helps train him. Go for it. The things I have regretted are the things that I didn't do.
By the way, I question everything (it's one of my best features and biggest flaws :-))! Big decisions always give me huge anxiety. My first car purchase...I was a wreck. My first home purchase...another nervous wreck during the whole process and probably at least a week later. I've got Analysis of Paralysis Honors and have no discernible 'gut feeling' about things. If I went with my gut (who only knows how to reflect fear of the unknown) I'd never have bought my first car or house, no wonderful dogs, no wonderful husband, no wonderful Natalie.

I think what I really want is a crystal ball. Will I survive? Will I survive and thrive or just barely make it grumbling along the way? Will my child end up disfigured by puppy toothmarks all over her face? Will I accidentally diaper the puppy and forget to diaper the baby?

I'm someone who wants all factors lined up perfectly. XYZ can't happen until ABC is complete. Clark is more of a "oh we'll be fine...nothing's that hard..." kinda guy. Things don't faze him. I guess opposites really attracted :-). But at times it's very unsettling because I rarely feel ready for anything because everything is almost never just right.
Maybe you should just let Clark make the decision....I'm thinking his track record is really good. LOL
Just right is hard. I dithered about for a number of years before I got Luca. I had spoken to a breeder about a puppy several years before and decided I'd get it. I couldn't sleep for several nights and knew I wasn't ready. Then my son returned home for a year and brought his standard poodle who stayed on, alas for only a short while before he died, when my son left. I loved having Rex here and missed him but still wondered about getting a dog. A few months later Luca became part of my life. I went through the same things again with Calla a year later. My family, none of whom lives here, was against my getting a second dog so I surprised them all when I did. Recently, there was a vague possibility in my mind of adding a third but I really know two is my limit. You want another dog so timing is really the only issue. I think when you plan to have another baby is a big part of the equation. The rest, is Natalie walking, winter versus summer, is all not so important in my mind, at least. Do you plan to take any trips soon? Another dog will come along so really the most important thing is your peace of mind. You can't be 100% sure perhaps but right now you sound very uncertain. Just because we would love to live vicariously through seeing your pup is really not a good reason to get one, either: )



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