I know "they" say dogs have no concept of time. When you leave and come home, they greet you the same way whether you've been gone for 5 minutes or 5 days. So here's my question....Can dogs tell that you have been gone
for days? Do they feel differently when we are just gone for a day at work, or if we are gone for a week of vacation? Tori is with my in-laws while we are vacationing in Florida. We call and check on her every day and my mother-in-law says she's "lonely". Do dogs really have "people" feelings?
This is a really interesting question... and now I"m nervous about our week long trip we are leaving on next week. We haven't left our pup alone yet!! My mom is coming to puppy sit... oh dear, I hope they'll both be okay!
my dogs can definitely tell when I've been gone for days vs. a few hours - their "welcome home" reactions are very different (under 1 hour: a bored wag with the tail; up to 1 day: bringing me my slippers or a toy; > 1 day: full out, crying happy excitement). I also think they display human-like emotions, like joy, fear, bliss, anger, etc. That said, how will we ever know what dogs are really feeling or thinking... ?? There is no way of knowing for sure. But I can believe what I want...
Well our vacation is just about over and we are going home tomorrow night (Saturday). I will let you know what Tori does... no doubt in my mind that she will do her welcome home dance with added jumps and kisses, but as for the ignoring us the next day.... we will see. I will keep everyone informed! Thanks everyone for your input!
There is no doubt they know. They know. I've have six "kids" and they are used to routine, know when I'm gone. They are very used to a routine. They are aware when I leave, when I'm gone and when I return. I give my dogs a busy ball and they are happy. It's important that when you leave to give them something positive and fun. No separation issues. Animals are very forgiving and tolerate of us humans. But they know it all. They do.....Tammy
Well the verdict is in... SHE KNEW!!! But quickly "forgot"! Tori gave us all a huge welcoming home ~ jumping on each of us, giving us many kisses, while whining. She ran from one to another and then got the zoomies all over the house. She calmed down in about 20 minutes and then it was back to normal. In fact, I laughed to myself this afternoon when I walked outside for about 10 minutes, came back in and she jumped all over me like I've been gone for a week! Gotta' just LOVE these dogs! Such unconditional love they give!
Are you kidding me, dogs know time for sure. Our dogs always knew when it was time to go get the kids from the bus. Now that Jazzie has been on meds at 7:30 8ish for awhile now she has also started to tell us when its time for her meds too.
Yes they know how long you've been away. It is no problem having to be treated differently until they forgive you for being away longer than a regular working day for instance. Our dog is very connected to his people and he goes through emotions it seems. Whether they be like ours or not they do seem to show feelings of their own.
We picked up Gavin from the kennel after a long weekend away. He does not get too excited in his greetings with us, but we trained that into him. However he has not left our side for the past day and a half. He even did equal time on the floor on each side of the bed last night, then settled on lying at the end of the bed so he could keep a bead on both of us. Outside his "come" command has been impecible. Hmmm maybe we should leave him more often? Nawww - I barely survived his kennel stay!
Awe... He missed you so much! Welcome home, Gavin! (Speaking of who - we have the WHOLE last season to watch before this one starts - off topic, but pertinent - lol)