Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I think I'd die if I added up all of the money I've spent on toys for Banjo.  In the beginning he was great with any toy we gave him....even the old teddy's my kids had.  He'd chew a little, mouth a little, wrestle them a little....and just have a marvelous time with whatever type of toy I'd give him.  I was in heaven - there are so many adorable toys out there and I just love picking out that "perfect" toy for him.   Well, things have changed....he's turned into a one-dog wrecking crew!   He can demolish any toy he's given within a matter of minutes!    Is this just a phase????   He's just about 7 months this a time in which they chew chew chew chew chew?   Will he out grow this?    I'm out of ideas as to what to give him.   The only thing he hasn't destroyed is his precious Kong......he gets that only when we have to leave him for more than a couple of hours.   He dances/runs happily to his crate when his frozen, peanut butter/oatmeal Kong is brought out.  Can anyone recommend a truly indestructible dog toy? 

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Yeah... the Kong is the only one Darwin hasn't destroyed. We now stick to Antlerz. I have heard of these

They apparently are indestructible, and if your dog DOES destroy it, they will replace it for free. I've heard good things. It also comes in a dog bone type shape
Clancy has majorly destructive jaws. He has not ruined his Kong. He loves Nylabones (sturdy chewers), Antlerz and bones too. We also have this toy that is rags tied together that they all like and even play tug of war with. If one of the strips falls off, I just tie it back on.
I just read about the other day in another thread. I checked out their site and saw that they had different ratings on their toys as far as degree of chewers. We stopped in a local boutique dog store to get our dog food and saw that they had the toys there for sale. The toys are made out of Orbee-Tuff material and they have some rated 5 out of 5 chompers for the most agressive of chewers. Maybe you can check that out. Good luck!
Hi Carol...
If there is an indestructible dog toy out there...they are few and far between... I am forever searching for them!
From day one...Sasha has been what they call...a "hearty chewer"...and the only thing that she hasn't been able to chew through is her Kong!
The good news is that Pet Smart is very good about returns...and one of the sales people there told me that if I had any problem with "anything"...just bring it do!! That sure does help...especially since there have been "many" toys that have lasted less than a minute...and I'm NOT KIDDING!! Ugh!!
One of the funniest stories that I have is this...
We bought Sasha a Tough Chew Bed from Orvis...gauranteed to stand up to even the toughest chewer!
They will replace the $189.00 questions asked! guessed Sasha had that "indestructable" bed chewed right through...both layers... in less than a minute!!
What a girl!!
Well...I called the company...and true to their word...they sent out another beautiful...Tough Chew... "idestructable" bed.
I waited until Sasha was a bit older...and then I gave the bed to she had something comfy to lay on...
You would have thought that it was the "Biggest Chew Toy" in the world...because she litterally pounced on it...and grabbed a hold of it...and began to shake her head...and chew...and shake...and chew...and...well you get the picture...
Sasha was through that Touch Chew "indestructable" bed within a minute...once again!!
This time...the company refunded our money!! LOL...
Sasha was well under a year at the time. far as toys's a Kong...a red Kong Bone...a green ball that you can fill with kibble (great for chewers and I'll try to find the name of it for you)...a Hearty Chewer Nylabone...and I'm looking into antlers because I just joined the "Danger Group"...and I'm learning that Nylabones can be dangerous to their teeth. far Sasha hasn't had any trouble with them...and she does love to "CHEW" "CHEW" "CHEW"!!
Sasha is such a good girl and so easy going...that she seems content without having lots of toys in her toy box...something that I wanted to do...and just having the toys that are safe for her.
Indestructible dog toys...the search is on...
That is so funny re: the bed! It's amazing the damage that can be done in 60 seconds isn't it?! Thank you everyone for your suggestions.....I'll have some options to look at next time we're at the pet store!
Yeah! Tori destroyed an indestructible dog pad too! LOL
The only toys Sonny hasn't been bale to destroy are Black Kongs. I just bought him the Orbee Tough ball. It's been almost a week and so far so good. So I will rate it as an excellent toy, even if it got destroyed tomorrow, the fact that it lasted a week speaks for itself. Sonny loves Nylabones, I give him the largest ones they have and when they start the fray I throw them out. I have also tried Tuffy toys, the last one I bought was rated a 9 for toughness and Sonny had it ripped apart in 10 minutes but the one I had prior to that lasted for a while. It might not be for the toughest chewers but...
Guinness can chew anything to bits in minutes....even the toys that are labeled indestructible. He even destroyed his Kong. I might as well have opened the window and just started throwing money out. It was crazy. I've decided to use that money that I was totally wasting to help Doodles who really need it. So now we stick with antlers for Guinness, and I feel much better that I'm not just wasting money. Murph is much better about toys, so he still gets some (but I have to constantly watch to be sure Guinness doesn't get them). If anyone does find a toy that will stand up to the Doodle "jaws of steel", I'd love to hear about it.
Max is a chewer and destroys any fabric toy. He starts with the seam then rips out the stuffing then dismembers the toy. I would then throw away the toy but finally decided what the heck let him keep the toy "parts" and hey he's a dog and he likes the "parts" and brings them to us to play with. And DH & I try to remember if that was part of Mr. Monkey or Green Frog or maybe it's the football LOL
He has a rubber squeaky toy with feet - Bad Cuz and he has yet to destroy that, but we mainly play catch with that toy.
Max will be 2 yrs old this month and I don't think he'll outgrow it, so he has his toy parts and will occassionally get a new toy.
Absolutely best durable dog toy - I sells TONS of these at work and my boys use them too - WestPaw TUX! This is not a KONG knock-off, it is VERY solid, but has enough give to keep the dog interested. You can stuff them or just leave them plain.
Oh boy... this is TORI. she has ALWAYS been really rough on toys - even at 2. I had a huge discussion a while back, (maybe in March?) as I know there have been others too. I'm not sure how to find and post a link to them. Sorry....The ONLY toy she has not torn apart (so far) are the three linked rings. this is her favorite toy to play with. We have tried so MANY of those 'indestructible toys' from the skineez, to the indestructible dragon (I have a picture of her destruction on my page), to the squeak toy made from fire hoses. Beside her rings and her kong, the only other thing I can give her are nylabones. Actually we just bought her a ball that is made up of some kind of rubber with large holes in it. We haven't given it to her yet... so we'll see. There's also zogoflex (another rubbery type) toys that are supposed to be good and they refund them if they get destroyed (I think the company is West paw).... thinking of trying these too...Good luck!
Ro, try getting the Orbee ball. It's been a week and Sonny still has it, with no sign of destruction. That ball with big holes will be gone quickly. Anything with holes gives them a place to begin the "chew/rip apart/destroy" mode.



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