Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello Doodle Owners-

  We are awaiting the birth of our doodle- this will be our 1st family dog!-and we are working with a highly experienced, professional breeder who, like many, will choose which doodle puppy best suits our family. I have total trust in our breeder, and yet still wonder how it goes for people, in general, having someone else select the perfect puppy for you- often without ever meeting the family! I would rather have her choose- I'm sure she knows best- but I would still love feedback on others' experience having their puppy chosen for them and whether this was a positive experience for people. My breeder has been in the business for many years and has the best reputation. I just hope it ends up being the right one for us!

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If you've told your breeder exactly what you're looking for and the breeder is using your description of what YOU want to choose the right puppy...I really don't think you'll be disappointed. If the parents are excellent dogs and the puppies are generally good-natured, you really can't go wrong.

The story most have heard already is that I originally wanted a very light cream female. Well...the litter had 4 pups: Huge red curlier male, 1 dark cream female, 1 apricot male, 1 cream female. But as time went by the breeder noticed that the puppies with the temperament I wanted were the two males. Particularly the red male. I had first choice in the litter and decided to go with the breeder's recommendation. Worked great (and the cream female was shy which I did NOT want in a dog).

Where are you on the choice list? And has the litter been born so you know the options? I don't think that picking a puppy has to be as difficult as picking a spouse =) As long as the puppy isn't on the temperament extreme, you're bound to like what you get. Then again I don't believe in the 'love at first sight' idea with puppy selection. And if the breeder can match you with a puppy with a good temperament and a coat that fits your really can't lose.
Hi Adina! Thanks for your response. Well, there is no wait list pecking order with this breeder; she has total control on where her pups go, which frankly removes some of the worry that one MUST be 1st or 2nd on the picking list- so it's fine with me!
This will be repeat litter for this breeding, and the previous litter(s) have been lovely and very consistent in terms of coats (all apricot/reds) health, and temperament. Excellent parents. Great health scores. Beautiful silky fleece coats. Amazing temperaments. The only perimeter we'll be working with is my husband's desire for one of the largest males. (it took much convincing to get him to accept a medium size doodle instead of big standard!) I still think temperament trumps all- and, like you- I don't want a timid puppy. So, even if it means getting a slightly smaller one, that should be the last factor. (Sorry I'm a slow typer!)
Hi and welcome! You will love this sight. There are many knowledgeable and supportive people on here. What kind of doodle are you getting? We didn't actually choose Tori either. I have heard of many who have gone through the process you speak about. I am sure they will respond as well as some who are breeders. Will you get to see the litter also? As for us, we told the breeder only the color that I had wanted, and at the time wasn't knowledgeable enough to have any other requirements. Unfortunately, the breeder was too far to go to when the puppies were born. She never even asked me about our family, etc. I DO believe that an experienced breeder should interview the family and DOES indeed have the ability to 'read' their puppies; personalites and can match up families and puppies very well! We already have a breeder in mind for our next doodle, and trust this will be the case. Good luck! Can't wait to hear more about your puppy!
Hi Shelly,
The breeder totally screens the buyer and asks many questions! However the selection process is done by her, and then communication takes place via email, photos, phone... she can ship the puppy to us, or we can go pick up, which I hope to do! So, given that she will know a lot about us and what we're looking for, I hope it will go well :) She is interested in long-term placement for her pups, so she spends ample time figuring out whom they should go to.
I'm glad for you it worked out with your Tori Doolde- sounds like you got lucky!
She sounds great! I am sure all will work out wonderfully! The waiting is the hardest part! When are they due to be born? In the meantime keep reading, as you will find TONS of helpful information and advice here to help you pass the time! = )
Puppies arrive early September, ready to go to forever homes in early November- a few days after my daughter's 10th b-day! I have been reading and gathering information. It's really fun!
Although I understand the process and see that it has merits, I would not like to have a breeder choose the puppy for me. I chose both of my puppies, after discussion, long distance with the breeders and I am very happy with my choices. Obviously, this might not be ideal for everyone.
I agree with the most of the above. We got
to pick however we relied on the expertise of
the breeder to guide us based on our lifestyle. There was one puppy that wanted to pack his bags and go with us but he was FULL of energy and the breeder said that puppy would be better in a house with small boys to run with ( we have no kids) so he steered us to Snickers who had energy but also was happy to sit in the shade and cuddle much more our personality.

So in conclusion if you tell the breeder what you want and your lifestyle you should be good!
I am sure you'll be happy with your puppy! I have found that most puppies will fit in most situations, with a few exceptions. I would not place a more reserved puppy in a family with rowdy boys, and I would not place a strong willed/leader pup in a home with no prior dog experience. Other than those types of situations, in most litters the temperaments should be a combination of all the good and bad traits that puppies will have. The key is that YOU are comfortable with the selection process and that if you feel unsure at any point, COMMUNICATE with your breeder.

A good breeder will listen and never override a client's least that's what I believe. :)
Thank you, Kelly. It's great hearing this from a breeder! I do like to be reminded that most puppies do fit in in most situations, just like you said. (with a few exceptions) In this case the parent dogs are SO awesome, the past litters have been SO great, that I think it all looks really positive we'll end up with an angel of a dog!!
I am glad you posted this! We are going through a similar situation, we have had a deposit on a puppy for months now and the pups are finally 3 weeks old and oh so cute! Our breeder also picks out the puppy that best fits our family, and with it being a rainbow litter of partis, I have (without meaning to) picked a couple favorites. I am sure whatever puppy we end up with will be perfect, but the suspense is killing us! (3 more weeks until puppies are allocated with their families, then 2 weeks later we pick him/her up) Sooo excited!!
So exciting for you!! I took a look at your page, and can't believe how cute those parti puppies are!!

Good luck with everything- Id love to hear how it goes after "your" doodle has been chosen for you! They all look gorgeous... :)



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