Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OK, now-there is a lot of background to this story, but since the gentleman who acted in the manner I am questioning didn't know it-I won't include it. Although-some of you who know Sadie and my story will have an advantage. Here is the scenario. It is a Hot, hot, hot, and super humid Sunday in July. While out on a Sadie outing with my partner (who is driving) we pass an orchard that has a wonderful store which sells assorted orchard veges, fruits, and some bakery items-that are amazing. It is rare we get out to this location. So, my spouse parks me and Sadie in the shade in the absolute furthest space available and leaves the car running while running into the store. No-not earth, enviro friendly. I know. But, like I mentioned earlier-a lot of background to the story. This is what happens a few minutes later. An elderly man who I watched play with two young girls feeding the ducks (I actually reviewed 1 man CPR in my head over).....knocks on my window......I roll it down a crack-and he says, " Next time leave the dog home"! I used the sweetest voice I could conjure up, and said, "Please mind your own business".  Now-fellow doodlers, I need to know, would you do or not do that I did; and why if you care to share? and, Would you do or not do what he did; and why if you care to share?

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You mean would I say "please mind your own business" or would you sit in a parked car?
And would I, were I that man, bug you about being in the car with a dog?
I would understand the man's concern if you had left Sadie in the car alone. As you were also sitting in the car it was clearly none of his business.
Hey, we live outside of Chicago....I wouldn't even roll down the window!
You're hilarious!
People amaze me. Not in a good way. I would have said that or start cussing, not sure. I have a temper when it comes to MY life, my dogs, my business, family, etc...
People with doodles.... CUSS? (LOL...just kidding!)
I don't get it? I feel like I'm missing something... why would someone bother you about sitting in your own car?
lol lol, Sorry can't stop laughing about "reviewing one man CPR in my head." I do that ALL the time when I spot a "potential casualty."

Ok, I think your response was just perfect - especially with a syrupy sweet voice.
I'm with Sarah, I don't understand why he was upset! Therefore, I'm not sure what I would have done. I don't really see anything wrong with what you did, so I probably would have just had a puzzled look on my face and rolled up the window (if I even rolled it down to begin with). I will admit that as I've aged I have gotten a much bigger tolerance for older people. Mostly because I hate it when I perceive someone being rude, or impatient with my parents. P.S. we do this all the time if we are out and need to stop somewhere.
You were nice to sweetly tell him to mind his own business. I might have tried to make him feel guilty with some story that I suffered from epilepsy or something and Sadie was my service dog because she could detect when I was about to have a seizure. So of course she must accompany me everywhere and did HE have an issue with service dogs?
I think I would have "cut him some slack" because he was elderly. If he was not elderly I would have told him in a "not sweet voice" that it was none of his business and quickly rolled up the window. Because he was elderly I probably would have said "thank you for your interest, but things are different these days since cars now have air conditioning". Perhaps a little too "passive aggressive"?
My husband and I do this frequently. We like to take Sophie with us when we can, just to give her a ride and get out of the house since she stays home all day during the week. One of us always stays with her in the car while the other runs in to do whatever it is we need to get done. She enjoys the ride and watching people pass by. She loves people and the times that someone has come to the window it was to ask what kind of dog she is, can we pet her, she's so cute, etc etc.
Let's not attribute this man's rudeness to his age, he was probably ill mannered his whole life.



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