Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need some suggestions on how to make Sheba look more girly.  EVERYONE calls her a boy.  Is it because of her color and the fact that she has a beard (which I adore)?   : )  lol

I thought I'd start with a new collar and tag.   I find it hard to find a collar that looks good with her coat color. Also, it needs to be sturdy as she is a VERY active dog.  Any suggestions on what color collar would look good on her but make her look more feminine?  I'm stumped.  

Here is what she is wearing now.  I bought it at REI which sells camping and sporting goods. I found that it snags easily and doesn't hold up too well.  (Not the greatest photo of the collar, sorry!)  The collar does look kinda boyish, I guess.

Here are a couple photos that show her coat color.  Oh, and speaking of her coat color, does anyone want to make a suggestion on what color she is?  Sable?  Merle? Brindle?

I still don't know!

And of course her winter look....


Thanks for the suggestions!!  

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Well, the colors that I think would look best with Sheba's coat are pink or red. Since pink is about the girliest colot there is, that's what I would try to find. And if it had hearts, flowers or butterflies on it, so much the better!
She's so pretty, Ann! She has a beautiful coat, beautiful coloring, and her face is gorgeous!
Thanks Karen for your input. I'll pass the compliments on to Sheba. Her ego is bruised from all of the boy comments. lol Do you want to take a guess on what color of coat she has and give me your honest opinion, do you like her coat long and shaggy or short? Oh, by the way, Duke got a bruise to his ego on vacation. We dropped them off to get a bath and a day of doggie daycare and this is how he came back.

Mike didn't like the bow!

Duke looks like he is embarrassed.
I thought the same thing! lol!! Sheba wouldn't look at me as she hates bows and I would't let her tear it out until I took the picture.
If she were mine, I'd describe her as silver. Maybe "shaded silver". I like the sound of that, lol.
What's called "sable" is different in different breeds- in German Shepherds, it's very dark; in Havanese, it's a light taupe. But it almost always involves some shade in the brown family. (Which makes sense, because natural sable, as in the weaselly animal is dark, streaky golden brown.) So definitely not sable.
And since the breeds I know best don't really have coats that are brindle or merle (Or at least they're not called that), I'm not sure if either of those terms would be right for Sheba.
When I think of her, I think of her as being shades of silver...which is my favorite coloring, BTW.
Shaded silver does have a nice ring to it! Thanks Karen
I agree with Karen. This pretty girl needs pink! But, with her coloring she could wear any number of colors, yellow, spring green, multi colored with a feminine motif. Just google dog collars and you'll find a huge selection with leashes to match to make Sheba look more girly. Happy shopping!
Hmmm spring green sounds pretty. Thanks for your input Susan.
She is a beautiful girl! Try They have beautiful's a pretty one for Summer.

I love this site ..... still haven't bought mine because I can't make up my mind.
Oooh, post a picture when you buy it. I'd love to see what you chose, especially for Lucy!
Thanks Jane! That is a beautiful collar for summer. I checked out the site briefly and I see that they personalize collars with embroidery. I wonder if I could have her name and my phone number on the collar. I have spent a small fortune on dog tags that the engraving wears out from their other tags rubbing against it. I'd take the other tags off but one is the county dog license and there is also her rabies tag and a tag for her microchip. I wish I didn't have to leave them on as they are ugly and make so much noise.



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