Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

UPDATE:  I just posted the video.  If you have a weak stomach you may not want to watch.

For the past few months, on occasion while Guinness is "peeing" he will turn his head around and attempt to drink it.  I know, it's disgusting which is why I haven't posted earlier.  It had been only on occasion, so I didn't worry that much.  I did mention it to my Vet on his last visit, and after she was able to stopped laughing hysterically, she told me she had never heard of it before.  She suggested we tape it because it would go over great on YouTube.  From that reaction, I decided I shouldn't worry too much.  Well it's been getting way more frequent.  He could easily bring this act to Cirque du Solell.  Tonight he did it right at the start of his "peeing" and I reached down and turned his head away.  He stopped going, and we came in.  Within five minutes of getting inside the house, he peed on the floor.  Has anyone heard of this before?  He has plenty of water to drink, so it isn't that.  I'm at a total loss.  You'd have to see it to believe it.  I need to start bringing the Flip camera with me when I take them out to go potty.  It's so bizarre...does it ever stop being "interesting" with Doodles?

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I wonder if he could have a UTI, and it hurts him when he urinates, so he tries to lick himself? I know when something hurts Jack, his first reaction is to lick or bite that area. But you'd think the vet would have thought of that, if I did.
Did this behavior coincide with Murphy's arrival?
No UTI...we've had him checked a few times. It actually started a couple of months after Murph arrived.
I want to follow this post because it is so interesting - odd but interesting. No thoughts on this behavior except Karen's UTI suggestion or pica because of some vitamin/mineral imbalance.
Okay, lol, does he do it in public or just in his yard?
Have you had blood chemistries done on him recently? I'd be curious what his electrolytes look like.
Also, if he will "share" with you, you can get some urine dipsticks at the drugstore and check his urine.
Maybe his glucose is high and it tastes sweet? Unlikely, but a thought.
Seems Guiness is not alone............ here are some theories about it if you haven't read;_ylt=Aniah4pEwWmODZhi3IDds.ibvZx4?p=...
Thanks, Pat! These are all interesting theories. We did have a full blood panel run on him, and it was fine, except for a slightly elevated white blood cell count which would indicate his body was fighting some sort of infection. It was not enough for the Vet to be concerned, although we are going to repeat the blood test to see if it has changed. His urine test showed no UTI. If his body was lacking in nutrients, that should have shown up in the blood work, and it didn't. I'm at a loss, but I am correcting him as soon as he starts to do it. The problem is that he will then stop going, which means "accidents". Apparently this is pretty rare. I really have to wonder if it's just behavioral.
Not to sidetrack, but I've never undertstood why people look for advice on "Yahoo Answers". I mean, would you put much faith in the knowledge of someone who says
".. take him to the vet emidiatly."
Kracks me up!!! LOL
EXACTLY why yahoo answers is so stupid. If you can't spell, you probably aren't an expert on veterinary care. :-)
Spelling may not be the best indicator of intelligence or of intelligent answers. That said, I think asking an expert in whatever field is involved is certainly a better plan. There are sites where you can, for a fee, consult with a vet or other professional in a given field. Although I think you should rely on your own vet, etc., this can be handy for those times when you can't get in touch with someone you know.|ga|9|Pets|Veterinarian&JPKW=ask%20a%20vet&JPDC=S&JPST=&JPAD=5822350749&JPAF=txt&JPCD=20100518&JPRC=1
Yes, I did proofread my response because sometimes, even I can have a typo : )
Agree about YAHOO Answers- likely young kids who know no better. A good point on that site is though- the problem is not unique- as Jane's Vet said that she never heard of it. Not as bad- but pretty scary is Wikipedia- that anyone on the internet can throw thier two cents into and edit and people bank on this stuff.
I also have never heard about this problem before - so I am also one of these followers just out of interest without being a help.
And I would really like to see the video :)



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