Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was quite happy with Windows XP.  Yes, it froze up every once in a while but, navigating through the various programs was a breeze for me.  I avoided Vista like a plague but, was finally forced to bite the bullet and accept Windows 7 on my new Gateway computer.


Today, I was attempting to do something very simple; copy an image from my external hard drive to a thumb drive.  Simple, right! Well it wasn't for me...


I selected the image and then looked for the "File" command in the upper left of my monitor which would drop down a menu.  WHAT! No file command?  You've got to be kidding...  Oh well!  Bill Gates must have made a typo error when he and the Microsoft Mafia developed Windows 7.  Instead of the file command, Billy Boy called the command for the drop down menu "Organize".  Well I can live with that; even millionaires are allowed a mistake or two.


So, I dutifully selected the "Organize" command which did provide a drop down menu.  But, it appears that Bill stole my "copy to" command.  Lock the doors, he must have it in his pocket and is trying to escape with it.  I find: "cut", "copy", "undo", "select all", "layout", and "folder & search options".  But, no "copy to" selection.  Of course, Bill may not have stolen it just to frustrate me, he may have hidden it somewhere else or called it something else. I tried the "copy" command which made an identical copy  on my external hard drive.  Just what I needed, a second image right next to the first!


I know that Billy is fond of renaming things and switching them around in his Microsoft programs (which he began calling applications quite a few years ago but, which many of us still fondly call programs).  I am glad that he is not designing cars because he would probably call the steering wheel a circular directional tool and place it on the radio.


Please help me find my stolen "copy to" command. I had intended to print some posters and tack them to the local telephone poles but, I thought that maybe someone on Doodlekisses has seen it and I could save the paper... 


Oh yes!  I was able to copy the image to the thumb drive by physically moving the thumbnail down to the thumb drive on the left of the screen using the mouse and cursor.  However, the good old "copy to" command would have been much eaasier to work with!

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Replies to This Discussion

Save yourself days of frustration and buy a Mac. Life is good in Apple-land.
I should have gone the Mac route... I thought that the learning curve switching over from 20 years worth of PC to Mac would have been frustrating. However, it would probably have been just as easy as switching from Windows XP to Windows 7... Too late now though. I have too much invested in my new setup to junk it - even though I'd like to...
Why wouldn't you just "cut" them from the one hard drive & "paste" them into the other? Or if you want a copy on both just "copy" from the one and "paste" into the other. Or you can just use the new split screen feature in Windows 7 (which I LOVE) and just drag it from one to the other - viola!
You would think that Bill Gates, with his billions, would not stoop to stealing commands. Greedy, greedy.



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