Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

With it being one of the hottest summers on record (especially down south!), I wanted to remind everyone of some signs that your doodle is dehydrated.  I learned this from my vet a few summers ago when Taquito suffered from the Great Recalls of 2007:


Check the gums.  Pink = good.  White = BAD.  If your doods gums look white or grayish, just take him to the vet. Better safe than sorry. This can be a huge sign of dehydration and generally sicknesses.


Pinch the back of the neck. If the pinch "sticks" for a while, say a few seconds, doodle may be dehydrated.  I recommend doing this when you know your dood is feeling super to see what "normal" is to him.  If the pinch doesn't last and fades immediately, your dood is hydrated.


So most of you probably know these tips, but I thought I would put them out there just in case.  If you suspect your doodle is dehydrated, whisk him to the vet and vet will give him subcutaneous fluids (so it graduallly seeps in through the skin).


Stay COOL everyone.  I have never been so ready for football season.  Football = sweaters.

My update on Taquito (since he became sick and dehydrated right after I posted this, the irony!). I posted this in the food group:
We just got the blood results on his kidney levels. Drumroll....even being slightly dehydrated from throwing up so much, his BUN levels (hydration) are DOWN from his check 5 months ago! Adding water to his food has really helped. Vet was so happy. His creatine levels (sp?) for kidney functionality have ALSO improved! Yay! White blood cell count perfect, so there is no infection. This is a relief.

T. received subcutaneous fluids and is perking up slightly. He also received a shot for nausea. Vet told me to add sugar to his water and give him natural fruit popsicles - already have them - yes! He is not interested so far, but I hope he will be later. Vet told me if he is not interested in food tomorrow, I need to call them back. Let's hope for the best. Since he is not having any runny poos, that is good too. Right now he is camping out in his safe place (crate) with the door open, peering out at us. Peri is confused. She went to daycare so I am glad she is tired and can't bother him. I will keep you posted. You all have no idea how nice it is to have your support.

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JD & I are sending love to Tacky & hoping he will be fine!
Sorry Allyson--my goodness. This heat is so hard on animals. My kids have no idea why I refuse to play with them outside and make them come right back into the house after potty breaks. The looks Spud give kill me. He thinks I am so mean.

Let us know how Taq is doing--personally I would go there now if heat exhaustion, heat stroke, or dehydration, is what you suspect. Heck with a timed appointment.
We fed him water through a syringe this morning (not a needle - you know what I mean)! So he got a decent amount down. His gums are not white yet and his neck is not sticking as bad as it has in the past, so I am okay with waiting until 1. More importantly, the vet that has helped with all of his kidney issues is available then. I want to see her.
Will he eat canned food? Our vet has recommended that in the past because it has so much water. (Maybe that's been said in this discussion already....)
He is not eating anything! I have been through this so much with him. He needs fluids and meds soon.
Poor little guy!
Thanks for an excellent reminder. I work with monkeys at a primate center near New Orleans.
When working our project animals, the vet taught me this method to check for dehydration. When they are dehydrated, its very obvious. The reason for not giving fluids IV like humans is there is a danger of volume overload, which is easy in smaller animals. With the fluid between the skin and muscle they absorb what they need but not more than that. Volume overload is not a danger. I have to stupidly admit I had never thought of this with Murph. I am such an airhead sometimes....Jeez.
With him I worry more about heat stroke.
Going to vet! Will update later.

I just realized I hijacked my own discussion - at least they are related subjects!!!

Reminder again: make sure your dood is hydrated LOL!
Hope by now T is doing great now - and many thanks for the info.
Allyson ~ thanks so much for the warning signs! I also love the ideas for rehydration with the sugar water and pops. This heat has gotten to everyone and everything this year. POOR Taquito!!! I guess I missed the fact that he was dehydrated. I'm sorry! Sending good thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery!!!
Allyson, we are getting a little worried here. How is Tacky doing?
Sorry I have been has been quite the weekend. Taquito is finally eating...thank God. I was thinking back to 3 years ago when he didn't eat for basically a month. Ever since Peri the doodle came home to us, T. has had no episodes of this "I don't want to eat, mom" thing. So it worried me. He ate. He has had two meals. I had to put some of Peri's Fromm in to entice him. But today he finally ate his food with some green beens on top. I think we are in the clear. I hope. It has been an emotional roller costar, but I think we are okay now.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts. And remember these signs of dehydration. My vet said T. was actually not even dehydrated...yet. But I told her "didn't you tell me to come in immediately if I was worried??...because of his kidneys?" She said I did the right thing before it got worse. So if you are worried, take your dood in!



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