I left a blog, but here's the long of the short of it..... she had asked for Tori to not be in the room when she arrived so as not to stress her out, but as soon as Tori saw her coming, she started her barking. She went over the questionnaire, and asked a lot of good questions to clarify things. We let Tori in and she went right over to her and started barking and nudging her with her nose. finally she told her to sit and treated her... she did this all night and Tori listened, She even did some "mini - lessons" with her. I even liked that she wants to work with everyone involved - all of us and my in-laws. She even suggested having one of my son's friends come over as well as my nephew (the "herdee) to work with her and even show us what to do to help her in these situations. As far as her training???? She said she took a course under some guy (I still have to google). She says she goes once a year to classes held all over the US to take courses on different topics (once even took a class under Victoria Stillwell), she's been doing this for 7 years. she also said that she has worked with people that kind of live in my neighborhood, I could call, but I don't think they'll have anything negative to say since they've been working w/ her quite a while. She seems very good and I feel comfortable with her. She does NOT demand a certain amount of lessons and she is like 1/2 the price of others....
Now for my 'concerns' -1) the no dog thing... she says she's had dogs all her life, but after getting married they lived in a no-pet apartment, and now, since moving into her own home, doesn't have time right now. 2) this 'course' she took to get certified.... 3) When I asked when she was available to come back next week, if I wanted her to, she picked her date book up off of the table to look thru' it.... could this suggest an empty calendar???? I don't know, my husband says I'm nuts.... maybe he's right! LOL