Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Since becoming a DK member I have responded to at least two emergency posts when a frantic owner signs on to get advice when a doodle has ingested something that may be poisonous.   Time is of the essence in these situations. 

Usually the owner wants to call their vet--of course, that is a good idea, but many vets call poison control themselves to find out how to reference the situation. 

So I was real excited to receive a brand new refrigerator magnet in the mail the other day.   I posted the number but thought I would check out their web site also.

I was shocked to find that a $65.00 charge may be applied to your credit card.  Has anyone used this service?

Here is the info:

Animal Poison Control Center

We are your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call (888) 426-4435. A $65 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.

It may be worth it--SURE.   But WTD?   Will they want your credit information before you actually can say,  " Hey, my doodle ate a poisonous mushroom and now only has 25 minutes before permanent liver damage and death may occur.  What should I do right now?   What if you don't have a credit card?  Are you turned down?

My excitement for this service completely dwindled.  For now, know that you can call your local Poison Control  in your area.

Anyone out there try this service offered by the ASPCA?


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I will be watching for the answer to this. In an emergency, you need help not your credit card.
I have a magnet on the frige that I got from the vet office. It says Pet Poison HELPLINE and it states 'Please be advised there is a per incident fee." It is printed in the smallest font on the magnet and I never noticed it until I just looked for it now. The one I have is offered by the Safety Call Pet Poison Control Center. I suppose they can't reley on donations to pay the staff. Interesting. Wonder if there are any free Centers out there?
I feel it is a nominal fee to pay if you dont have a 24 hour emergency clinic near and to top it off most emergency clinics charge upwards of $400 as soon as you step foot in the front door, everything they do to help your dog is in addition to that.

The ASPCA is a donor driven system like many animal control and assistance organizations, they may receive tax dollars as well. I dont think it should be free~

There are some great animal first aid books and kits on the market as an alternative.
We had the same reaction when I called in a situation that turned out to not be an emergency, thank goodness. I can see both sides, but it's a bit surprising when you first call. Thankfully I have a bunch of great reference books....priceless;)
Do we have a Doodle medical section? It might be helpful if we compiled a list of things we have learned from various medical experiences - especially poison control experiences.
Yes, I believe we do.

In the meantime what I was trying to get at with this post--Call Your Area's Local Poison Control. So far, this has been the most successful, safest method I have experienced both in my home and here on DK. But just know, this number is out there just in case we have an emergency post from a member in the future.
Jennifer -

We have a very active "Health and Medical Group" , please join.
I did call once not realizing the $65 fee and hung up and called the regular Poison Control instead - I was told by the SUPER nice lady I got that people call them about their pets all the time. Also, I called my regular pharmacist once about giving Hunter Pepto Bismol once when she had an upset stomach and he was really nice too and said the same thing about people calling about their pets :-) I realize places like the ASPCA need to charge for services, however, $65 is really steep for advice over the phone in my opinion.
I think that it is fine to pay a fee for advice, but we need to KNOW that so we can be ready. However, I do think $65 is too steep for what probably takes less than two minutes to dispense. It reminds me of the stupid stuff teachers are told to do in education with the excuse "Its best for children" when in fact it is just more record-keeping or procedure. Is making sure they get money best for an animal who may have ingested poison where every minute might count?
I DID try and use this service long ago when Tori ate a piece of sugarless gum... and YES - it was a $65.00 charge... needless to say I hung up and believe it or not, called the gum company and THEY helped me to determine how much xylitol was in each piece of that particular gum... they were WONDERFUL... then I did my research on the computer and called the ER vet who told me I was correct in my assumption - she did not eat enough to cause harm.. but Yeah... that's just crazy... wonder if they would do that if you called about a child??? Even those on-line vets who answer frantic questions don't charge that much and ask you what you are WILLING to pay.
The ask a vet online service I used charged $9 if you were satisfied with their help.
I have that same magnet, but haven't had to use it yet, thank goodness! I think that's total BS. They probably use the excuse that they are a non-profit and rely on donations...but that's just it, if I have the money to donate to you, I I did before you sent me all the stuff including the magnet. I don't think that's fair. Oh, my magnet doesn't state anything about a just has huge orange numbers, the ASPCA logo and that's it.



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