Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Thank you, I have started a new job where I am earning $15,000 less per year BUT I am glad to be employed. I am losing medical coverage and will have to sell my home.

Things just keep piling up. Sully is a 7 month old Aussi Doodle. He is gorgeous, black phantom with tons of coat. I was working with the breeder for several months to

Purchase a male puppy when she offered Sully at a reduced rate because she changed her mind about breeding him. When I got the crate at the airport and he was

Hiding in the back I knew I had problems. It has taken me 3 months, but he is a lap dog and adoring member of my family HOWEVER; she blames me for not socializing

Him which I know is totally wrong. I used to breed and show Irish Wolfhounds many years and know dog behaviour. Oliver my Golden Doodle has his K9 good citizen certificate

And is one of the best dogs I have owned besides a couple smart Dobies. Since I have to find a new home it will probably be an apartment (ugh!) and I do not know

What to do. He pees when even children approach him, he runs to hide in the bedroom so even my grandsons cannot let him outside for me. He does growl and bark and therefore

I cannot trust him. We have tried meat from strangers and even that gets dropped.

I am just reaching out to all my friends to see if anyone has any suggestions. I hate to give him up, but he needs serious training and I have no money to even take him

To classes right now. HELP folks please any comments?

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There is a new group for similar issues:
Thank you! I think people are over breeding them for the money and not socializing the puppies.
Perhaps.. Unfortunately, I can't really say as I never visited the breeder being that they were in Canada, but I did hear nice things about them on here from the Canadian members... except one person did say that the mom was timid, but at first thought she may have just been 'protecting' her pups?????
Many years ago I bred and showed Irish Wolfhounds in conformation. I had a large piece of land and 17 dogs so I have had lots of experience with puppies!!! Had a litter of 15 once and these guys weigh 60 lbs as 2 months!!! Anyhow, puppies are just happy guys if treated right. It is hard to break that spirit, but if you have one that is shy (sometimes the runt) you can bring them out of it so easily. Sully's problem is that she was keeping him for stud and kenneled him. She said she let him play with her grand children, but not enough to help him. Thanks to everyone for their comments. They are all such sweet dogs and I am so happy I took the chance on a High Bred!!!
I agree, Judy. I think some of the puppies are not getting socialized enough. I think that has contributed to Melody's shyness and nervousness around people. I have had the new Thundershirt on Melody and she is much less anxious! I am so excited about this. There is a leaf blower going right now next door, and she would normally be anxious. She is cool as a cucumber right now.
Keep me posted, if it helps I am all for anything that will help.
WOW! YOU! Melody... Are truly becoming our inspiration! Keep it up!
I can't believe I missed this post! I feel like I am in the middle of the movie The Parent Trap! Sully looks just like my Tori, and from what you are describing here... she sounds like him to! I don't know how I missed the title Scaredy doodle, 'cause I am dealing with issues similar to what you have posted. did you get him from Canada!?
I just saw your posts after reading Shelly's, about her Aussie/Doodle. I got Melody at 5 months old and she does have issues with anxiety as well. I have just ordered the "Thundershirt" and am anxious to try it. It has not arrived yet, but it sounds promising. I think that Melody was not socialized too much right off and then had an incident with a vacuum cleaner that spooked her. She runs away from people and backs up from them if I am walking her with a leash. She was pretty nervous in a class I took her to, and just prefers to be with my husband and me. She is very playful, loves to run and chew. She was freaked out by the water dish, as it is silver, and shiny. She drinks out of a sturdy plastic dish I got at Petco. Will keep you all posted on this Thundershirt.
Wow Lauria... I just went back to check something out and saw your post here....Seems our doods have more in common than we thought...Tori too won't drink from the shiny bowls - did you see my forum post about which bowl is best to use? Funny... Here's to hoping that thundershirt is all it's 'cracked up' to be!
Hi Shelly, No, I didn't see your post on what bowl is best to use. Tori has issues with the shiny bowls? Interesting! I wasn't sure if it was the noise it made when her tag hit it when she went after water, or just what the issue was. What is a good bowl to use? I have had Melody's Thundershirt on her all evening. I think she is really doing well! I think this is going to be very helpful. She has been calm all evening! If this is as good as it seems to be, it will be life changing for us! I will be so relieved for her, and for us as well. I hope, if you get one, that Tori does at least as well!
Lauria ~ That's TERRIFIC! The consensus is the metal...less germs... That thundershirt is much less cost wise too compared to a trainer! LOL Keep us posted on how she does with stressful situations!!



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