Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Everytime my DH and I hug within range of Gavin, he jumps up and joins in my putting his giant paws on our shoulders.  Keep in mind Gavin never jumps up on me.  In fact his feet are almost never allowed to leave the ground.  But during an embrace, he just can't seem to help himself.  I know that this is probably very wrong, that he trying to assert dominance or some such thing but we gather him in and hug him too.  He usually follows up with face kisses (ewww).

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Haha...Lucca loves group hugs and face kisses are his specialty, especially in the morning when he jumps on the bed to say "hi' with a dirty sock in his mouth...double ew!!!
Too funny, Achilles does the same thing.
Edgar is also very fond of group hugs. He seems to recognize the phrase as he joins right in whenever we call for one. Very cute!
Cagney does this as well.... sometimes he will bark at us if we ignore him and don't let him in.... is it jealousy or just what? Hmmmm ......
Group hugs at our house as well.
Gracie Doodle is only allowed to jump up on my husband. He loves to have her paws on his shoulders while she is kissing his face. She a human sized Doodle when she is on her back feet! I am the one who joins in on the "group hug". Then Gracie starts licking my face too. We love kisses from our "baby"!!
Our Pippin LOVES group hugs and kisses!

This is a typical greeting when DH comes home from work. Gracie runs into the bedroom, up on the bed and then up on the shoulders for a big hug and face lick!!

No group hugs here, but whenever we snuggle on the couch or hug, his tail wags like crazy and he nudges us with his nose.
Yes! Tori does this too... she barks first as if to say "hey, what about me?" We then tell her "UP" and she jumps up for a group hug! She does it a lot with my sons alone.. just single hugs and kisses. I have a few pictures on my page of it too - just too cute!
LiliBear has done this and she likes to be right in the middle . . . very cute.



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