The dogs have been in their kennels more then usual today -- it's pouring rain. Every time we walk them outside they end up soaked and so they go in their kennels to dry. Unfortunately with a puppy.. by the time she dries she needs to go again. Cycle continues.
Tonight both dogs went outside I dried feet and they were in the living room.. I noticed Violet about to squat and whisked her outside. She came in, 10 minutes later went to squat --- and thats when I started to worry. She squatted and whimpered. No pee.
I took her outside, she squatted several times, every five minutes or so... not apparently getting relief. I called my husband to come outside, starting to panic. I went inside and called the emergency vet.
She's in route there now with my husband. (Our three kids are in bed, so one of us had to stay here.)
Now... I wait.
My husband is certain he saw her physically pee this afternoon.
Trying not to worry. Hoping it's nothing and I overreacted.
The vet (perhaps tech?) that I spoke with said it could be an infection. That might explain why we had so many accidents yesterday... I know when humans get bladder infections they pee like crazy. It certainly feels like Violet needed to go every 30 minutes - 1 hour yesterday.
Anyway, I am just rambling. Trying to make the time past faster... and I needed to vent my concerns.