Today was Boca's first formal obedience training day. It went as expected...nothing interesting to report except that I realized I can't train while I have Natalie in a front pack. I thought I could...but I think it will end up allowing Boca to cheat. But it didn't hurt things today. I ended up taking her out of the front pack and placing her in the middle of the large grassy area on the empty college campus (where we were today) and we worked around her. This worked well because Natalie mostly freezes on grass. I don't mean she freezes in fear but she doesn't like the texture so she RARELY will crawl away from the spot I place her in. So she hung out there and waved at us and talked to herself and pulled grass. We worked until she started fussing. Which between the time with her in the front pack and the time with her sitting on the evil grass was about 30 minutes.
But in a few days we begin using distractions and I want to share some of the list I have made so far (using past experience) and am also looking for other novel ideas.
Here's ones I've used at various times in training:
-- Freshly bought fast food burger & fries meal worked well except for the time bees descended upon it and I didn't want to get close enough at that point.
-- Box of stinky laundry (socks mostly).
-- Bag of trash
-- Open jar of peanut butter
-- Weasel ball (this thing is GREAT for training with distractions):;

-- it worked best once we were starting heeling. I'd turn it on and let it roll around an empty parking lot while I worked Rosco. We'd heel straight toward it, next to it, etc. Did stays near it. Then I broke it :-(
-- Friends walking their dog or standing in one spot with their dog
-- Friends playing catch with their dog
-- Strangers playing frisbee
-- Kids on a playground
-- Smelly trees (so ALL trees =))
-- Squirrels
-- Aviary in a park (all sorts of exotic and interesting birds to see behind a fence!)
-- Dog park (we worked a distance from the fence and then worked our way to right near the fence line)
-- Clark playing fetch with other dog
-- Me playing fetch with other dog while Rosco had to hold positions.
-- Strangers flying toy airplanes
-- People jogging on a track
-- Balls left in the park
-- Stranger dogs on the inside of a chain link fence (random fenced dogs in the neighborhood, that is).
-- Goats in my friend's yard.
A few other ideas that I have heard work well, but never used:
-- Roadkill (well what was suggested to me was that I carry a bag around to pick up what I find...but that was too gross!) I guess I did occasionally use dead squirrels that we came upon on our walk. But I didn't touch it...blech. Just heeled back and forth toward it.
-- You can buy vials of various animal urine as a distraction to plant on a rag ...again gross to me.
-- A toy (stuffed animal, Skineeze, etc) tied to long kite string (or something thin) that a friend will pull around through the grass (or if this friend has a fishing pole can be hooked to the end of the line) to entice doggy.
-- open car door if your dog is likely to hop onto anyone's car
-- open gate if your dog is enticed by escaping out entrances
ANY OTHER IDEAS from every day life? What things are YOUR dogs distracted by that you could use to proof commands during training?