Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have come across a whole lot of negativity because I chose a doodle. I am sure I'm not the only one here who has encountered this attitude. I have done a lot of research on dog breeds since I was very young, and it's hard to hear people make judgments on my breed of choice, due to the bad rap "designer dogs" get. Don't get me wrong, I don't support breeding every possible dog to a poodle. Quite the opposite, I feel that breeds should only be created if it's a beneficial mix. There should be numerous logical reasons for the mix, and it should only be done with a lot of preparation and knowledge. I think back yard breeders or any thoughtless breeders are bad, for ANY breed of dog. 

On the flip side, Darwin's appearance draws a lot of people, and I have heard so many "Where can I get a dog like him?" questions.  I have had many people ask me where they can buy a "cheap" Goldendoodle, because they see Darwin and love his furry appearance. They don't realize the time I take for training, grooming, and health issues with Darwin. I always try and educate them, but it's so much information to communicate. I really want to write a blog post for my personal blog, explaining my choice and presenting the truth about "doodles and designer breeds." I have searched for past topics on this (I saw an amazing discussion on this but can't find it) and I was hoping to call for everyone's collective thoughts. 

Anyways, this is long winded. As you can see from this paragraph, I am not the most organized at presenting my opinions. I made an informed decision and am educated on the pros and cons. It's just hard for me to organize all of my thoughts and present it well. I'm hoping for other's thoughts and insights, to help me write this post. I'd love links, thoughts, and a discussion on the argument about how awful  "designer breeds/breeders/owners" are. 

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Hi Camilla, I agree with you about the remarks on Labradoodles, I saw this breed on the Today show 7 years ago. And it sparked my interest when they said they were great for people who had allergies, non shedding, do not attract flees etc....I have children who have allergies and thought this breed would be great. I found a breeder in Connecticut who bread Australian Labradoodles. I was put on the waiting list for a female. We have had Molly now for 3 years,I payed $2500 for her. And the dog has had nothing but allergies herself, skin problems. We had to have her anal glads removed last December, has ear problems, rips at her paws and still goes after her anal area. I have changed her food many many times, at the moment she is on antibiotics for her skin problem and ears. I have spent over $7000 for this dog and now we are going to have to have her tested soon for allergies, What I am getting at is I really feel that this type of dog is still new. I believe the Australian Labradoodle breed has been around since the very late 1980's, and they still have not worked out all the problems. To pay all this money for this dog, i am just sick at what I have had to pay out in 3 years . And God knows what the next 10 are going to bring. I love Molly and I would never give her up. but I do not think I would get another one. Did I just get the black seed? When i go to the Vets it's not the dog that starts shaking when we walk in, It's me who shakes, because I don't know what my bill is going to be at the end of the visit. I just took Molly the other day, $418.00 Due to all her problems. and she will go back in 3 weeks to see how the new food ( Just Venison she is on, nothing else ) and if all this does not work, she will be tested for allergies. By the time this dog pass away, I would have put 2 kids through collage. Does any one else have these problems?. I know there are a few people out ther dealing with the allergies, I just feel like I was hit with the full load. Poor Molly, I still love her.. :(
Karen, I am so sorry that your dog has had so many problems, I know how awful it is when our beloved dogs have discomforts and health problems. There are lots of discussions on the types of problems you mentioned. You might want to join the health and medical issues group. They have discussions on many of these specific problems. There are also members here who have dogs with similar issues, hopefully you can find some good advice.

I would like to say, that I don't think the problems she has is a result of Australian Labradoodles being a new breed. Many old, old purebred breeds have severe health problems too. Just look at Bulldogs or English Mastiffs. Both are older breeds, and both have significant health problems that are genetic. I think that ALDs and goldendoodles/labradoodles are average or even less compared to other breeds when you are talking about genetic problems. The fact is, a lot health problems are due to bad breeding, or breeding dogs that haven't been health tested. I can't say this was the case with your dog, as I don't know who you purchased from. I DO know, that there are many breeders here, members of the site, who breed very healthy and well behaved dogs. It is a matter of testing and responsible breeding.
Many doodles (whether Australian or not) are the result of careless breeders who call themselves breeders but just let any two dogs mate so..... I am not implying that your dog is from a poor breeder, I am just stating that because doodles are a mix, many people think they can throw two dogs or even ALD's together and think they will have a healthy puppy and because there are no purebred watchdog people or standards to be held to many breeders don't hold themselves to high standards. There are some active breeder-members on dk who are so helpful to us and obviously pay attention to genetics in their breeding programs, I would not hesitate to get a dog from one of them in the future.
If you haven't already joined, you ought to join the Health groups and get some support for you and your dog. There is lots of support here. I also think many of us (me included) get doodles without really paying attention to the real dog and only to the hype.
People who get doodles and join websites like this, tend to take very good care of their dogs and are very aware of their problems. I think if you look around on the site you will find many doodles with allergies or health problems, but before you assume that doodles have more problems, you may need to realize that what you see is skewed as a statistic because we all start discussions about our problems with our dogs, not what is going well. For example one of my dogs (an ALD) has a huge high-maintenance coat - something I was totally unprepared for. As a result, I am highly involved in every aspect of the grooming group and tools and products and advice and.... My other doodle sheds, doesn't mat -but he is just like any old dog. I would never join the grooming group for him.
I absolutely love doodles and, unless grooming gets to be something I can't do as I get older, a doodle is the only dog in my future. But I do understand if they aren't in your future dog plans. We also have our second Springer Spaniel, and while we love that sweet boy dearly, his activity level is more than we care to handle in our future dogs.
So true Nancy. We often hear from people who have problems and they skew the way things appear. My two ALDs have been, KOW, very healthy. One UTI and one possible ear infection between them. Yes, Luca tends to matt but no dog's perfect )
You said what I wanted to say but better. :-)
Hi Nancy, Yes I agree with the careless breeding, but Molly came from Landmark Labradoodles in Connecticut where Barbie has been breeding from Tegan Park and Rutland Manor. She has been breeding for 9 years and I believe does everything possible to make sure these dogs are checked for hip dysplasia before breeding. If you go to her site you will see that she is not just one of these breeders who throws two dogs together and calls then labradoodles. I just feel there are many out there that suffer with allergies and other medical problems, that for the money you pay for these dogs, I believe the breeder should have a better guarantee. My dog had her anal glands removed before her 2 year guarantee was up. I went after the breeder to pay half for Molly's surgery, but would not. But wished me luck. I was very upset. All I wanted to know from the breeder was " out of the 9 puppies that were born, was my dog the only one with problems?. I never got an answer, not did I get any of there email addresses so I could get in touch with them. Now I don't know if there is anyone out there on this sight who knows this breeder and has had health issues like I have, If so I would love to hear from them.
I am so sorry to hear of the health issues you are having with your Molly. When I first began to read your post, I thought, "Oh, no, I hope she's not from Rutland Manor or Teagan Park stock", and was very saddened to see that she is.

In lieu of the current revelations regarding Rutland Manor, you might consider the possibility that that is the root of Molly's health problems. I am afraid you are not going to be alone in this.

Best of luck.
Being of RM or TP stock in itself is not a bad thing in itself, Vicky.
No, of course, it isn't, and I should imagine ~and hope!~ with good, selected breeding many of the health problems these Doodles are now experiencing can be bred out of the lines. I just felt it was important that she be aware of the apalling and criminal conditions and breeding practices of Rutland Manor.

The situation at Rutland Manor is no longer controversial, but is now fact.
Oh my gosh. really?, What have you heard about Rutland and Teagan? Do the breeder's know this? as I see there are a lot of breeders who deal with Teagan & Rutland. If that is the case I feel the breeder, Barbie should have helped me out a year ago. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with all her issues, I love dogs and when I see these Vet bills going up and up I panic. When will it ever end. I will check the out the Health sight and see if there is a light at the end of this sad tunnel. If you do have more info. on Teagan & Rutland, I would love to know. Thank you for all your in put.
I don't know if I'm allowed to post this. Well, I guess I don't know why I WOULDN'T be. It's just a pretty touchy subject. Here is a recent discussion about it.
Without knowing the details, I would think the breeder should have covered some of your vet bills. I would have an attorney review your contract and health guarantee.

I believe if you Google "Stop Rutland Manor" you will find more information.



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