Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know it's a natural instinct for a dog to dig, but if anyone knows how to stop a doodle from digging, I would appreciate it before we are both banned from the back yard!

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I read that it works to put some of their own poop into the hole they are digging. This worked well for Tara-she stopped after the first time. But I have also read that it doesn't always work. I know some dogs just really love to dig!!

Maybe some other less destructive form of exercise? Sounds like Gracie still has some energy that needs released.

Here is a link to a previous discussion. There are probably others too if you search the forums.

By the way, I have been putting off digging up my iris plants for years. Maybe I could borrow her for a little while??? Or maybe you can hire her out and earn some extra cash for treats!!! LOL!!
Hey that's a good idea about digging you the flower beds, my only fear is she would start digging up my roses! :( I'll be happy to lend her out to dig someone else flower beds :) Thanks for the reply!! I don't know about the poop, my luck she would carry it back in the house!
Yep, not sure, we filled our dog run with mulch but anytime bandit gets near dirt he is diggin' a hole to OR to see Tara!! xoxo t-baby!!
Does he have one particular spot that he likes to dig? If so you could bury some chicken wire under the dirt, one of two things will happen, he'll either stop digging or find a new spot. :>)
Already have half the yard wired off with chicken wire now...waiting to sew grass seed... :) Thanks!
When Lucy and Sophie were puppies, probably through the 1st 1.5 years they were bad about this ...... however, and hopefully I don't jinx myself here, but they haven't been too bad lately. Sort of outgrown it!
I'm hoping Gracie will out grow this too...keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks! :)
I know the poop thing is gross....but it really works. I'm a neat-freak and, again...I know it's gross lol...but for some reason our 1 year old doodle digger basically runs away from his current hole if we put a piece of his poop in it. You don't have to leave it in there even for too long...I guess it's just a scent thing. Also, our boy only digs when he is in one of his crazed, super energetic moods, so if your dood is digging, he/she probably needs a good run. Good luck!
There can be a few different causes of dogs digging. Here are a few questions that may help to narrow down the best approach.
-When does Gracie dig? Have you noticed that it's when she may be bored or anxious?

-Where does she dig? Along a fence...flower beds. Is she doing it more when the weather is hot, and after she digs is she laying down where she dug? Is she trying to dig things roots?

-Is this a new behavior or has she been doing it since she was a puppy?
What worked for me was to give Chervil a place she CAN dig. We built her a small sandbox. It's pretty deep, and we buried bully sticks and toys in it, and then "trained" her to "get the mouse." So she knows she can dig in the sandbox whenever she wants, and "get the mouse" means go ahead and dig. (We also did some fencing around the gardens--more suggestive than a really heavy fence--but the combination works.) She doesn't dig in the yard or gardens anymore.
That's a great idea! Definitely, a win-win!!



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