Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My goldendoodle Trixie, 14 months old is tearing apart my bills, any other "papers" in sight! Also has taken the toilet paper holder off and chewed it, as well as shredding the whole roll of toilet paper around the house. Eats fruit out of our fruit bowl....... unplugged my husbands shaver from outlet and chewed! It's all of a sudden, don't know why. She does this while I am out and while I am in the house! HELP 

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Trixie is doing these things because she is bored and trying to amuse herself when she's left alone at home. There may be some separation anxiety involved, too. Does she have bones and/or kongs filled with yummy stuff to occupy and distract her while you're out? If you don't provide her with something to do, she will find her own amusement, lol.
Most of the things you've mentioned have easy solutions. Every bathroom has a door that closes. All you have to do is close yours before you leave the house. That takes care of the toilet paper and your husband's shaver.
Many owners of big dogs have learned the hard way that you can't leave food out unattended; put the fruit bowl up on top of the fridge or somewhere else she can't reach it.
Ditto with the bills; Trixie is trying to help you keep your paperwork organized. Get a file box and keep the bills and other important paperwork there, out of Trixie's reach. If the bills are kept in an office or other room that has a door, close it before you leave.
But if Trixie has nothing to occupy her while you're out, she will find something else to chew up. So try the filled kong or marrow bones. Good luck!
Some questions:

-- What is her daily exercise?
-- How much obedience training has she had? Do you consider her fully trained and reliable to commands?
-- Is she crate trained?
-- Does she chew these things in plain sight or do you discover them after the fact?
-- What do you do when you catch her in the act?
-- What do you do when you discover things later?
LOL!! Remember those days well...their teenage yrs! Made me become allot neater..nothing on my counter tops..bathroom doors shut..cleaned off dining room table..and coffee table in living room!! Boy..Wilson you have made me come a sleek and minimalist person! Wilson at 18 mos. old now..after chewing his treats of frozen kong w/peanut butter etc, he sleeps! It was kind of like teaching your DH to pick up his underwear when first married! : )
mine used to be a chewer at that age.....the Bitter Apple spray from Petco or Petsmart works wonders to discourage chewing. But the paper shredding....I'm afraid that's a doodle trait, and there's nothing we can do about it! Napkins are Beau's specialty. If heaven forbid someone at the table drops a paper napkin on the floor, it is in shreds before we can say "oops", and they do it with such glee and it is their "mission". It's as if they say "Oh, I see you dropped that napkin, well let me just shred it for you, and then it will be better" LOL
Lucy and Sophie have only ever chewed up two things of a paper nature in their 2.5 years. One was my notebook with all of my computer logins and passwords in it, and the other one was the invisible fence contract. Think they were trying to tell me something in both cases. Get off the computer and we don't need no stinkin fence.
That's actually pretty funny....they know how to pick their targets!
That is too, too funny
Yep, make sure to keep everything off the floor! Darwin's favorite is tissues. :-)
We have learnt that our 3 month old labradoodle loves paper too :) He just figured out that if he jumps up the get the hanging piece of toilet paper and RUNS he can pull it all off the roll haha!!
Blaze does that when he is home alone and bored. He now has a Kong with peanut butter, a radio, a nyla bone, and a ball filled with treats when i leave to keep him busy.



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