Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was looking at Remington's teeth last night and... YUCK!  We brush them often, but still it is getting a build up on them.  I want to stay away from greenies and dental sticks just because of the bad things I have heard about them.  Does anyone have good things they give their doodles to get those teeth pearly white again???

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My guys really love chewing antlers, and they help to keep their teeth clean. The problem is with the molars way back in their mouths where the chewing doesn't help. My Vet actually showed me how to "scrape" the tartar off of those teeth with my nails. I try to remember to do this once a week. The teeth closer to the front stay clean from the brushing and "antler chewing".
Yep, bones, antlers, and any other disgusting animal parts that your dog will gnaw on.
Jack's vet also said you only have to worry about the outside surface of their teeth when brushing.
You mean that the inside surface near the tongue isn't a problem? I wonder why. Luca has tartar on the inside of his canines!
I see brown stuff down near the gum on the inside surface of Jack's teeth, too. But this is what the vet did tell me, "don't even worry about the inside surface". I will try to ask him why next time we see him.
Good, I always like to know the why.
My breeder swears by raw chicken necks. The bones are small enough so that the dog can chew them right up. I have not been getting them lately and I can see the difference in my dog's teeth. I used to buy them from a raw food dealer, but she is far away, so i am going to see if the butcher at the grocery store can get them for me. Has anyone else tried this? I know that people shy away from chicken bones, but if they are raw and small, they don't give the dog a problem.
Ginny, where do you give them the chicken necks? I know a lot of us just can't have raw chicken lying around, lol.
Will your dogs keep them on a towel while eating them?
My breeder also gives her dogs raw chicken necks so we decided to try it. We give them to Hudson outside on the grass until we can trust him to stay in one spot inside!
Oh, and they are his absolute FAVORITE so they get eaten pretty quickly!!
Excellent suggestion. I have had Jamaica on raw for about a month now and I can definitely see a difference in her teeth. Try getting a whole chicken and chopping it into about four pieces (depending on how large your Doodle is ~ Jamaica is about 65 pounds) and give them a chunk. They will LOVE it and their teeth will be naturally cleaned and dazzling.
Oh, I have to try this !!



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