The rain is we took the dogs out for an overdue romp in the park, and when we got there who was there............horses!!!! Summer and Giada had so much fun running with those horses. Talk about training with distractions, this was the ultimate! We always see the horses in the street, but this was the first time the dogs saw them up close and off leash at the park. It was so awesome.......wish I would have had my camera!! It was a very nice way to shake our cabin fever :)
sounds like a load of fun!!! I took Murphy out for a long walk today it felt nice to get out of the house after ALL that rain, he was sooooooo HAPPY!!!!
Oh my word, my daughter asked if we should build an ark! At least we're not in Texas. Those poor people! We drove up to Saginaw yesterday for my MIL's B-day. It rained so hard I almost pulled over for a bit. Today was wonderful!! We even got the sunshine!
My dogs will hold potty for a full day before going out in the rain. They finally gave in on day two. But peed on the rocks just off the front porch...
LOL!!! My older dog will hold it ALL day or more too.......not Giada, she wanted to be in it the whole time. I had to bribe them both with to go, and the other to come in!!!
Once it stops raining and the yard is a mud pit, then it's great fun to go outside and play. The puppies will go out in the rain, but the older dogs (2 & up) are simply too sophisticated to get wet.
I can so totally relate April. Our puppies LOVE the rain! So much so in fact that if I leave the door ajar when I am showering I often have company ~ this morning 3 puppies joined me and ran circles around the shower curtain! We also have mud wrestling in the backyard so at least they were not wet and muddy!
Awww, I miss having little puppies. :o) I've gone too long without a litter. My "puppies" are breeder hopefuls and are 11 & 15 months. They love the rain & mud.
Sounds fun! I would be afraid Rosco would end up kicked 10 feet away by showing too much curiosity in the horses. How cool that your doggies had fun with them!
These horses are very familiar with dogs and other animals.........never have kicked!! My dd knows the girl that owns them. Giada was more cuious than I would have expected.......since she is usually a afraid of everything.