Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lately, Seamus has this habit of "hipping up" on the couch with only his back legs.  Today, Seamus tried to back up entirely onto the couch and tried to pull up one of his front legs onto the couch as well.  It's like he is slowly making his way further and further onto the couch until POOF one day he will just be laying on the couch with us.  lol (We don't let him lay on our furniture.)  Anyone else's doodle do this?? 

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Molly sits like this alot....but not just on the couch, she also sits like this on the ottoman that is in the living room and sits this way on the stairs with her bottom on a step and her front paws on the floor.
HOW CUTE!!! These doodles are so smart - and funny!!!

Toby does a lot of silly things, but he's never done this - probably because he's a miniature doodle and he's too short - lol!
I think he looks a little disgusted that you caught him! lol
He just wants to be comfortable, I say let him have at it, you've got the couch covered anyhow. Just imagine how much happier he will be :)
Awww...he just wants to be up next to you and snuggle. Let him do it!!!! Very cute!
Yes. Myles sits on the couch like this. Will sometime rest his head on the coffee table and will watch Animal Planet. Not kidding.
Our Molly loves to watch Animal Planet too! During one episode of Dog Whisperer as Caesar had his back to the camera and was holding a dog on leash beside him, Molly went over to the TV and sniffed the dog's butt! Wish I had had my camera handy!
Zeke does this sometimes. It's like he has changed his mind about getting down off the couch. Looks very funny!
Duffy does this same thing!   I'm loving this site!
hehehe He looks mighty comfortable!

That is so funny, what a clever doodle. :-) Darwin is allowed on the couch but he likes to sit this way anyways. 


lol this is adorable!



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